Meet the best smelling body care products I have ever used – What’s in it for me? body scrub and hand wash. Both of these are made in the UK and they smell amazing!
Saage tuttavaks kõige paremini lõhnavate kehahooldustoodetega, mida ma seni kasutanud olen – What’s in it for me? kehakoorija ja vedelseebiga. Toodetud on need UKs ning nende lõhn on isuäratavalt hea!
What’s in it for me? body scrub
What’s in it for me? body scrub contains eucalyptus oil, rose oil, root ginger and sea salts to exfoliate, warm, detoxify and enhance circulation. This body scrub comes in a plastic jar that holds 200ml of product. The body scrub is yellow and reminds me of jelly. The best part of this body scrub – it smells like fresh pineapple! I love pineapple and when I sniffed this body scrub for the first time then I instantly fell in love with that scent. The scent feels so natural and seriously delicious.
The scrub itself feels really nice. The yellow jelly contains sea salt that helps to scrub the skin. I like that the scrub doesn’t feel harsh on my skin. After I rinse the scrub off my skin feels soft and smooth, but a little bit dry so I can’t skip moisturising body lotion or cream.
What’s in it for me? kehakoorija sisaldab roosi ja eukalüpti õli, ingverit ja meresoola, et nahka koorida, soojendada ja eemaldada mürke. Koorija on plastikust 200ml potsikus. Koorija on kollast värvi ja meenutab želeed. Selle koorija parim osa on aga selle lõhn – see lõhnab nagu värske küps ananass 😀 Mulle maitseb ananass ja no selle koorija lõhn on lihtsalt isuäratav ja üldse mitte selline keemia nagu pahatihti ilutoodete aroomid on.
Koorija ise on hästi mõnus. Selles olevad meresoola kristallid koorivad nahka meeldivalt, aga samas ei tundu nad nahal karmid. Pärast koorija maha loputamist on mu nahk pehme ja sile, ent samas natuke kuiv ja seega pean kindlasti nahale kandma niisutavat kehakreemi.
What’s in it for me? hand wash
What’s in it for me? hand wash is formulated with essential oils of lemon, lime, aloe vera and extract of ginger to cleanse and protect the skin. The hand wash comes in a 250ml bottle with a convenient pump. The hand wash itself is runny gel that has absolutely delicious citrus scent. The hand wash lathers nicely.
By the way, this is the very first hand wash that has received any comments from my 5-year old and hubby. We use this kind of hand washes all the time and they never say anything about them 😀 However, What’s in it for me? hand wash actually was worth commenting. My son discovered it as soon as I put it in the bathroom and he said that it smells so good and that the only hand wash he now wants to use. A few days ago my hubby also commented that this one smells great 😀 (I’ve no idea how come he didn’t notice this one sitting next to our regular hand soap before, it has sat in our bathroom for weeks now 😀 )
What’s in it for me? vedelseep sisaldab sidruni ja laimi essents õlisid, aloe verat ja ingverit, et nahka puhastada ja kaitsta. Vedelseep on 250ml pumbaga pudelis. Vedelseebil on vedelamapoolsem geeljas struktuur ning imehea tsitruse lõhn. Seep vahutab veega kokkupuutudes mõnusalt.
Muide What’s in it for me? vedelseep on esimene seep meie vannitoas mis on saanud mingisuguseidki kommentaare nii mu 5 aastaselt pojalt kui ka abikaasalt. On ju vedelseep vannitoas nii tavaline asi, et kes sellele ikka väga tähelepanu pöörab. Minu 5 aastane avastas selle seebi kraanikausi servalt kohe kui selle sinna panin ja kiitis, et see lõhnab nii hästi, et tema nüüd ainult sellega käsi pesema hakkabki. Mu abikaasa aga avastas selle vedelseebi kraanikausi servalt teise seebi kõrvalt alles mõned päevad tagasi ja mainis, et sellel on väga hea lõhn. Ma küll ei saa aru kuidas ta mitu nädalat seda seal kraanikausi serval üldse tähele ei pannud, aga no mis seal ikka 😛
My overall experience with What’s in it for me? body scrub and hand wash has been very good. I absolutely love how both of these products smell and in my opinion they work well too.
Read more about What’s in it for me? from
Kokkuvõttes olen What’s in it for me? kehakoorija ja vedelseebiga rahul. Need lõhnavad imeliselt ning minu arvates teevad nad oma töö hästi ära 🙂
What’s in it for me? tootevalikuga saab tutvust
Laura says
mõlemad tooted tunduvad nii mõnusad. Peaks kohe proovima 🙂
Leelo says
Kindlasti on nad väärt proovimist 🙂