Hei! Aeg on järjekordse BB kreemi arvustuse käes. Seekord on kord L´Oreal Nutri-Gold BB SPF20 BB kreemi käes. Saadaval on see kreem vaid ühes toonis – universaalses toonis, mis peaks siis sobilik olema kõigi nahatoonide jaoks. Ausalt öeldes ei ole mul väga ülidselt usku nendesse “universaalsetesse ja kõigile sobivatesse” asjadesse ent see kreem üllatas mind positiivselt […]
Search Results for: label/review
AVON Anew Vitale Gel Cleanser
Hi! I have been using AVON Anew Vitale Gel Cleanser for a month and today I want to share my opinion about it with you. This is first facial cleanser from AVON that I have used and so I didn´t really know what to expect from it, but I have to say I am pleasantly surprised […]
Lumene Basic Blue Cleansing Gel
Hi! My today´s review is about Lumene Basic Blue Cleansing Gel which I purchased about a month ago and used ever since. Hei! Minu tänane postitus on Lumene Basic Blue puhastugeelist näole, mille ostsin umbes kuu tagasi ning mida olen ostmisest saati ka igapäevaselt kasutanud. Information & ingredients from the packaging / info ja koostis pakendilt My […]
e.l.f. Studio Eyebrow Kit in Ash
Hi! Couple of weeks ago I promised e.l.f. Eyebrow Kit in Ash review and so here it is 🙂 I have been using it since summer and I love it! Hei! Mõned nädalad tagasi lubasin postitust e.l.f´i kulmupaletist toonis Ash. Olen seda kasutanud suvest saadik ja tegu on ühe mu selleaastase lemmik ilutootega. e.l.f. Studio […]
Bourjois Express Eye Makeup Remover
Hi! I hope your Saturday is going well. Today I have short review for you about Bourjois Express Eye Makeup Remover. I bought it because I needed makeup remover for removing waterproof mascara and so decided to give it a try. It is promised that this product remover makeup in one sweep, but does it […]
Garnier Fresh Essentials Eye Makeup Remover with Grape Extract
Hi! My today´s review is about Garnier Fresh Essentials Eye Makeup Remover with Grape extract which is promised to remove even waterproof make-up. The reason why I purchased it was that I had read reviews about it where it was said to be really good product and so I just had to try it. Hei! […]