Thank you again 🙂
Rules to the Eleven Question tag
1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions your tagger has sent you as well as create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. Choose eleven people to tag and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them they were tagged.
5. No tag backs!
6. You have to really tag eleven people, not just say “If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged!” or something like that.
11 things about myself
1. I love chocolate and ice-cream.
2. I don´t have any tattoos, yet
3. I love travelling, too bad I can´t travel as much as I would like to 🙁
4. I love shopping…..
5. I hate public speaking
6. I love coffee. My morning won´t start without a cup of coffee with some milk
7. I am good at making pizza (at least thats what I have been told :D)
8. My must have piece of clothing is a good pair of jeans
9. I can´t play any musical instrument
10. My favorite subject in school was mathematics.
11. I have learnt Environmental Technology for one year in university, but that wasn´t for me and so I changed my speciality and became a kindergarten teacher.
Kelly´s questions for me
1. Have you ever been to a different country and if so where?
Yes I have. So far I have visited Lithuania, Italy, Egypt, Greece, Spain and Morocco.
2. What’s one word you tend to misspell a lot?
In English (I am not a native English speaker) there is more then one word that I misspell 😀
In Estonian (my mother tongue) can´t really think of any words that I misspell (I´m sure there are some) and I mainly make mistakes when I´m in hurry and don´t check my texts.
3. If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be?
I think maybe 50´s or 60´s.
4. What is your sign?
5. What is your favorite TV show from your childhood?
There was a TV serial about a black horse. I have no idea what was the name of the serial. I just remember that I loved it a lot because of the horse.
6. What are you plans for today? (besides reading this)
I go to post office to recieve some packages and then relax, relax, relax……
7. Twitter or Facebook?
I like both, but I use FB more.
8. What was the last beauty product you bought?
Garnier BB Cream
9. What is your natural hair color?
it is between dark blonde and light brown
10. Have you ever had to have surgery?
My tonsils were removed when I was 19.
11. How tall are you?
176 cm
My 11 questions for you
1. What is your must have beauty product?
2. What is your favorite quotation from a movie?
3. If you could only bring 3 beauty products with you to a deserted island what would they be?
4. Who is/has been the biggest influence in your life?
5. What was your childhood dream?
6. What is your favorite food?
7. What kind of music do you listen to?
8. What is your favorite color and why?
9. What is your favorite clothing brand?
10. If you could live anywhere in the world then what country/region would you choose and why?
11. Do you have any hobbies?
I tag…
Elena from
Ida Pie from
Francesca Romana Capizzi from
Pointless Cafe from
eki from
Beatrice Balaj from
liveit from
JennaFroggy from
Stephanie Louise from
Glamorous Mama from
Fashion Chalet from