My today´s review is about Kiss My Face Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck. I ordered it from, because of the reviews and comments claiming that is sunscreen is good. So is it? Read on …
Minu tänane arvustus on Kiss My Face päikesekreemist näole ja kaelale kaitsefaktoriga SPF 30. Tellisin selle endale´st, kuna lugesin erinevaid arvustusi ja kommentaare, millede kohaselt on tegu väga hea kreemiga. Aga kas siis on? Loe edasi ….
Information about Kiss My Face Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck from
Kiss My Face Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck offers natural broad spectrum protection for face and neck. It is enriched with Hydresia, which is nature´s moisturizer nurtured from safflower seeds. Hydresia oleosomes are little “capsules” of oil that collapse on your skin, providing controlled release of ultra-moisturizing properties. Green Tea and Licorice extracts to help fight damaging free radicals. Anti-aging peptides help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
This suncreen …
- is made with gluten free and vegan friendly ingredients
- doesn´t contain parabens, phthalates, SLS and artificial fragrances
- is cruelty free
Informatsioon Kiss My Face Face Factor SPF30 päikesekreemi kohta lehelt
Kiss My Face Face Factor SPF30 päikesekaitsekreem näole ja kaelale, pakub laiaspektriga kaitset. Kreem on rikastatud Hydresia´ga, mis on looduslik niisutaja, mida saadakse värvohaka seemnetest. Hydresia oleosoomid on väikesed õli kapslikesed, mis nahale sattudes pauvad ultra tõhusat niisutust. Rohelise tee ja lagritsa ekstraktid aitavad võidelda nahka kahjustavate vabade radikaalidega. Vananemisvastased peptiidid aitavad muuta kortsukesed vähem märgatavaks.
See päikesekaitsekreem …
- on tehtud gluteeni vabadest ja veganite sõbralikest koostisosadest
- ei sisalda parabeene, ftalaate, SLS ja kunstlikke lõhnaaineid
- ei ole testitud loomadel
My opinion about Kiss My Face Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck
I have been using this sunscreen on sunny days since April and I have to say that I actually like it a lot! Some sunscreens with SPF30 or higher tend to leave this, kind of like a white film on my skin, but I haven´t noticed it with this cream. Also it doesn´t start melting off on hotter days or if I am working out. I like that this cream is fragrance free and also it works well with my makeup up. I have used it under my BB cream and foundation or powder and so far I haven´t had any problems with those combinations. This cream looks heavy, but actually when applied on my skin it feels really light and once it has absorbed (it takes a couple of minutes) then I can´t even feel it on my skin. It hasn´t broken me out nor caused ma other skin problems. As I mentioned before, this sunscreen is promised to be ultra moisturizing and I have to say that it really is. When I used this sunscreen then my skin feels moisturized and I don´t have to use a moisturising cream.
Overall I am very happy with this cream and so far I haven´t noticed anything negative about it.
Kiss My Face Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck is available at where it costs 9.95$. If you haven´t ordered from iHerb before then use code ROH837 to save 5$ from your very first order!
Minu arvamus Kiss My Face Face Factor SPF30 päevituskreemist näole ja kaelale
Olen seda kreemi kasutanud aprillist saadik päikeselistel päevadel ning pean tunnistama, et pettumust see toode mulle põhjustanud ei ole. Mõned SPF30 (või suurema kaitsefaktoriga kreemid) kipuvad nahale jätma sellist nagu valkjat kihti, ent selle päikesekaitsekreemiga, ma seda täheldanud ei ole. Samuti ei hakka see mu nahalt maha sulama palavama ilmaga või sporti tehes. Mulle meeldib, et see kreem on lõhnatuning seni on see hästi kokku sobinud ka minu ülejäänud igapäevase meigiga (vajadusel jumestuskreem või siis BB kreem või puuder). Tuubist välja pigistades tundub Kiss My Face päikesekiatsekreem selline üsna paksu ja raske koostisega, ent nahale kandes on see tegelikult väga kerge. Täielikult imendub see minu nahka paari minutiga ning siis ma isegi ei tunne, et see mu nahal oleks. Positiivne selle toote juures on minu jaoks kindlasti ka see, et see ei ole mulle põhjustanud punne vms naha probleeme ning nagu lubatud tootja poolt, siis nahk tundub tõesti niisutatud ning lisaks niisutavat kreemi pole seni vajadust kasutada olnud.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu ühe minu lemmik näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreemiga ning senini ei ole ma selle juures veel midagi negatiivset avastanud.
Kiss My Face Face Factor SPF30 päikesekreemi saab tellida näiteks lehelt, kus selle hinnaks on 9.95$. Kui sa ei ole varem iHerb´st tellinud, siis koodiga ROH837 saad oma esimeselt tellimuselt säästa 5$.
neversaydiebeauty says
Sounds like a good one that I would try if I hadn’t just bought something else! I always like KMF products
Jamie @ Makeuplifelove says
Sounds like a great sunscreen. I like that it doesn’t leave the white film which is super hard to find especially with sunscreens. I may need to check this out.
pinksith says
Well the price is certainly good and I like that it has some nice ingredients in this. I’ll have to tell my friend about this one. she has been looking for a new SPF moisturizer! Thanks!
Lisa Chakan says
Ringing endorsement, Leelo. Do you know that I’ve been using Kiss My Face products for over 20 years? Great stuff. I can’t stand sunscreen because of the white cast problem. Will try this one out. Thanks for the review, darlin’!
Leelo says
Wow! 20 years? Amazing! I found them just a couple of years ago!
Noelle says
Love that you didn’t notice a white film from this. I hate that!
Miranda says
I definitely try to use face-specific sunscreen as opposed to the heavier kind made for the body, this sounds great.
Phyrra Nyx says
Sounds like a great SPF
Jessica W. says
Very nice review! I have weirdly sensitive skin, so I have to be super careful, especially with sunscreen. 🙂
justinalayne says
I’ve always really liked Kiss my Face products!
Jess Scull says
Sounds like a great product!
honeygirlsworld says
this sounds awesome. I love those that are specifically for the face 🙂
melodykewl says
Sounds great!
litfromwithin9 says
I really dislike ‘sunscreen scent’ so I’m glad this one is unscented. It’s probably too moisturizing for my oily skin, but otherwise, it sounds like a great, affordable find!
Angela Peters says
LOVE their packaging!!!
Kath TheFabZilla (@thefabzilla) says
Kiss my face is a good brand. So far I’ve only tried the shampoo/conditioner. This sounds like a great sunscreen!
Shelley Polarbelle says
it sounds wonderful!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
It sounds like a nice one.
glamorable says
Ooh, I love me a good sunscreen, and this one sounds fabulous! I’ll be on the lookout during my next shopping trip, since this brand is sold at my local drugstore.
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
I have to pick this one up – I used to use it a long time ago!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Sounds great and really affordable too!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
This sounds fantastic!
TheFeminineFiles says
This sounds really nice! I have one from Aubrey Organics and it leaves such a terrible white film on the skin that I can’t even use it. I’ll defiantly look into getting this one!