Hi, beauties! It’s been over a month since my last beauty product review but let’s correct that mistake now 🙂
My today’s review is of Lirene Chia & Goji Natural Face Wash Gel. I purchased this face wash a few months ago. I have used Lirene products before and I have liked most of them and therefore I expected this product to be good, too. I must say that it didn’t disappoint me and I’m happy that I liked it a lot.
Hei, hei kaunitarid! Ma pole juba ĂĽle kuu aja ĂĽhtegi ilutoote postitust teinud ja seega on aeg see viga parandada.
Minu tänane postitus on Lirene Superfood 95% looduslik näopesugeel Chia&Goji. Tellisin selle endale mõned kuud tagasi mylook.ee veebipoest. Olen Lirene tooteid ka varasemalt kasutanud ja seega minu ootused sellele näopesugeelile olid üsna suured. Jah mul on hea meel teatada, et pettumust Lirene Chia&Goji näopesugeel ei igatahes ei tekitanud ja jäin sellega igati rahule.

Lirene Chia & Goji Natural Face Wash Gel
Lirene Chia & Goji Natural Face Wash Gel comes in a 190ml bottle with a convenient pump. The gel itself is pink and smells lovely. Once applied to the wet skin, it lathers well.
The face wash gel is promised to cleanse, refresh and nourish the skin. I have to say that, in my opinion, it really does all that. It cleanses my face and removes my daily makeup (BB cream, powder, concealer) and impurities. After using Lirene Chia & Goji Natural Face Wash Gel, my skin feels and looks clean and refreshed.
I like that this face wash doesn’t dry out my skin nor make it unpleasantly tight.
Overall, I like Lirene Chia & Goji Natural Face Wash Gel a lot! It suits well for my normal to dry skin and cleanses my skin without drying it out.
Would I purchase it again? Yes, definitely!
Lirene Superfood 95% looduslik näopesugeel Chia&Goji
Lirene Superfood 95% looduslik näopesugeel Chia&Goji on 190ml pumbaga pudelis. Geel ise on roosa värvuse ja meelidva lõhnaga. Märjale nahale kandes tekib mõnus vaht.
Lubaduste kohaseltpeaks Lirene Superfood 95% looduslik näopesugeel Chia&Goji nahka puhastama, värskendama ja toitma. Minu arvates teeb see näopesugeel tõesti kõike lubatut. See eemaldab näolt mu kerge päevase meigi (BB kreem, puuder, peitekreem) ja muu mustuse. Pärast näopesemist on nahk puhas ja värske. Lisaks ei muuda see geel mu nahka ebameeldivalt kiskuvaks ja kuivaks.
Kokkuvõttes olen Lirene Superfood 95% loodusliku näopesugeeliga Chia&Goji väga rahul, sest see sobib mu normaalsele-kuivemapoolsele nahale hästi.
Kas ma ostaksin seda veel? Jah, ostaksin kĂĽll.