Avon Little Dress fragrance collection has a new addition – Avon Little Sequin Dress EDP. This fragrance is unique, exlusive and glamorous just like your favourite glitter dress.
Avoni Little Dress parfüümide kollektsioon on 2017 aasta kevadel saanud täiendust uue sädeleva lõhna näol. Avon Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi on eksklusiivne, ainulaadne ja glamuurne – just täpselt nagu sinu pilkupüüdev litterkleit.
Avon Little Sequin Dress EDP was launched in 2017. It is described as a statement scent for special occasion. This perfume is perfect for a woman who knows how to be in the centre of attention.
Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi on silmapaistev lõhn erilisteks sündmusteks. See parfüüm on sobilik naisele, kes teab kuidas tähelepanu võita.
Little Sequin Dress EDP is a dazzling and stylish fragrance with sparkling juicy notes of mandarin and mango. In its heart you can smell gardenia and tropical flowers and in its base are musk, sandalwood and golden oriental resins.
Avon Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi on stiilne jõuline lõhn, milles on tunda särtsakat mandariini ja mangot, sütitavat segu gardeeniast ja troopilistest lilledest ning sensuaalset muskust ja kuldse merevaigu noote.
Avon Little Sequin Dress EDP is, in my opinion, a perfect fragrance for Spring. It is a good scent that smells sweet, but fresh. Although this fragrance is described as unique, then it does remind me of another perfume, but I still haven’t figured out which one exactly 🙁 On my skin Little Sequin Dress EDP lasts around 4-5 hours, which I think is pretty good.
Overall I think Avon Little Sequin Dress EDP is definitely worth a try, and, in my opinion, you can wear from day to night.
Avon Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi on minu arvates väga sobilik parfüüm kevadesse. Tegu on mõnusa lõhnaga, millel on magus lõhn, aga samas on ta selline kerge ja värske. Kuigi kirjelduse järgi peaks tegu olema uniklaalse lõhnaga, siis ta siiski meenutab mulle üht teist parfüümi, ent ma ei ole siiani suutnud välja mõelda, millist täpsemalt. Minu nahal püsib Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi kuskil 4-5 tundi, mis on täitsa hea tulemus.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates Avon Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi kindlasti proovimist väärt ja viimastel nädalatel olen seda kasutanud pea iga päev.
Avon Little Sequin Dress parfüümvesi on saadaval Avoni kataloogis! Osta mugavalt avon.ee lehelt. Tellimused üle 25€ postikuluta!
neversaydiebeauty says
I love the name and the mix of notes sound lovely!
glamorable says
Love the name of this fragrance, it’s like business in the front party in the back kind of vibe. Bring on the sequins! 🙂
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
I love anything citrusy and juicy so I’d definitely like this scent.
Laura Gallaway says
OOooOoo I wanna get my hands on this!
inmyprime50 says
The notes sound like a fragrance I would like!
Erika says
This sounds like a lovely scent. The notes are those I enjoy.
MarciaF says
Sounds perfect for spring especially.
Miranda says
I love the bottle!
Stephanie Louise (@StephLouiseATB) says
Sounds absolutely lovely!