What is Smushie? Smushie is a super smoothie that contains only the best organic ingredients. These super smoothies are free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. They are not made from concentrate and there are no added sugars. Sounds great, right? Mis asi siis ikkagi on Smushie? Smushie on supersmuuti, mis on tehtud Eestis meie […]
Healthy Kefir Apple Smoothie with Chia and Flaxseed and Baobab powder
From time to time I love making smoothies. My favourite smoothie this week has been this healthy kefir apple smoothie with chia and flaxseed and baobab powder. Aegajalt käivad mul smuuti tegemise hood ja sel nädalal olen ma fännanud keefiri-õuna smuutit chia – ja linaseemnetega ja baobab pulbriga. For this healthy kefir apple smoothie with chia […]
Food and Drink Pairings to Avoid with your Cheese
Cheese pairings are something that has to be carefully thought of so that the taste will be heightened and not diminished. This way, you’ll be able to appreciate the taste of the cheese while highlighting the flavors of both components equally. Here, we’ve got the rundown on the types of food you should generally stay […]