I haven´t done any Instagram roundups for a long time and so I decided to share some pics from my Instagram account. So here is my Instamonth: May`14. I chose 16 picks to show you but there was much more of them 😉
Ma ei ole ole päris kaua teinud ühtegi Instagrami piltide postitust ja seekord mõtlesin vahelduseks teha kokkuvõtte enda maikuu Instagrami piltidest. Valisin välja 16 pilti, ent tegelikult oli neid kõvasti rohkem 😉
- Grand Race around Lake Viljandi. It was 12km run which I finished with a time of 1:08:03. I am very happy with this result
- On May 5th it actually started snowing. You can´t see it very well from the pic, but the weather that day was awful!
- sunny morning in my hometown
- Maijooks. 7km race in Tallinn. I finished with a time of 35:26 and so I was 8 minutes better than last year.
- Maijooks
- Delicious cake for Mother´s Day
- shopping at H&M
- and of course a selfie 🙂
- Viljandi järve jooks. Tegu oli 12km rajaga, mille lõpetasin jaga 1:08:03 – minu kohta hea aeg 😛
- 5.mail hakkas lund ja lörtsi sadama :S Jube ilm oli!
- mõnusalt soe ja päikesepaisteline hommik minu kodulinnas
- Maijooks. Lõpetasin 7km jooksu ajaga 35:26 ning tundub, et trenni tegemisest on kasu olnud, sest parandasin enda eelmise aasta aega 8 minutiga.
- Maijooks
- Maitsev emadepäeva kook
- väike shopping H&M´s
- ja loomulikult selfie 😀
- I made semolina foam 🙂
- gorgeous views in Southern Estonia
- attended a wedding party
- little mr.R´s favourite cars parked on our balcony
- little mr.R i trying on my trainers
- working on blog posts
- coffee – I love coffee 😛
- and a selfie 😛
- tegin üle pika-pika aja mannavahtu
- kaunid vaated Lõuna-Eestis
- käisin pulmapeol
- väikese mr.R lemmikautod pargitud rõdule 🙂
- väike mr.R proovid jalga minu trennijalatseid
- blogipostituste kallal töö käimas
- kohvi – ma armastan kohvi 😛
- ja ikka selfie ka 😛
Francesca R says
12 minute run???? You are soooooooo brave!!!!!!
Leelo says
Yes 12km run and thank you 🙂
Francesca Romana Capizzi says
Ilaria Bianchi says
Beautiful pictures!!!!!
✿ De Pointe en Blanc