Hi! Today I have Garnier Express 2in1 Eye Makeup Remover review for you. This eye makeup remover has become one of my favorite makeup removers and so I also mentioned it in my March beauty favorites post. So far my experiences with Garnier makeup removers wasn´t very good, but a couple of months ago I needed something fast and so since it was on sale then I decided to give it a try and I have to say that I am happy that I purchased it.
Hei! Minu tänane arvustus on Garnier Express 2in1 silmameigieemaldajast, mis kuulub mu lemmikute hulka ning mis sai ära mainitud ka minu märtsi ilulemmikute postituses. Minu senised kogemused Garnier silmameigieemaldajatega ei olnud väga head, ent kui mul paar kuud tagasi oli kiirelt vaja meigieemaldajat ja see oli soodukaga müügil, siis otsustasingi selle ära proovida. Igatahes pole ma senini oma ostu kahetsenud.
Garnier Express 2in1 Eye Makeup Remover is biphase eye makeup remover which double action formula removes easily all kind of eye makeup. The formula is enriched with Arginine. The makeup remover is promised to care for your lashes by leaving a protective layer on them. Since this is biphase eye makeup remover then you first have to shake the bottle to mix two phases. Then apply it on a cotton pad and hold against your eyes for a few seconds to allow makeup to dissolve. After that just wipe the makeup away.
Garnier Express 2in1 silmameigieemaldaja on kahefaasiline meigieemaldaja, mille koostis aitab kergelt eemaldada igasuguse silmameigi sh veekindla. Koostisesse on lisatud arginiini, mis aitab ripsmete eest hoolt kanda jättes neile kaitsva kihi. Kuna tegu on kahefaasilise silmameigieemaldajaga, siis tuleb seda tugevalt raputada, et 2 faasi omavahel seguneks. Siis kanna meigieemaldaja vatipadjale ning hoia vatipatja silmadel mõned hetked, et meik lahustuks. Pärast seda lihtsalt pühi meik maha.
My opinion
I have been using Garnier Express 2in1 Eye Makeup Remover for two months and I haven´t actually had any problems with it. It has removed easily all my (even the graziest) eye makeup looks. Using is very simple; even though at first I did forget to shake the bottle when I started removing my makeup. So I shake the bottle and then apply some of the remover to cotton pad and hold against my eye and then I just wipe my makeup off. And I don´t have to rub at all! Removing waterproof eye makeup will take a bit more time, but the result will be worth it. My eye area doesn´t feel greasy or unpleasantly dry and there ain´t no traces of makeup either.
In conclusion this is definitely good eye makeup remover from Garnier and I will purchase it again.
Minu arvamus
Olen Garnier Express 2in1 silmameigieemaldajat kasutanud 2 kuud ning mul ei ole selle aja jooksul olnud sellega mingeid probleeme. Ka kõige dramaatilisemad silmameigid on Garnier Express 2in1 silmameigieemaldaja hõlpsalt eemaldanud. Selle kasutamine on lihtne, kuigi jah paaril esimesel korral läks mul kiiruga meelest seda kõige pealt raputada 😀 Seega siis kõige pealt raputan pudelit ja siis kannan meigieemaldajat vatipadjale ning hoian seda siis mõned sekundid silma vastas ning siis kergete tõmmetega eemaldan meigi. Ja ei mingit hõõrumist! Veekindla meigi eemaldamine võtab veidi rohkem aega, ent pole hullu kuna tulemuseks on puhas silmaümbrus ilma mustade rantide või tükkideta. Lisaks ei jäta see silmameigi eemaldaja mu silma ümbrust ebameeldivalt rasvaseks-õliseks ega ka mitte kiskuvalt kuivaks.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu hea silmameigieemaldajaga ning ostan seda ka tulevikus!
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
Do you wear contacts? So many of these make my contacts foggy. The best one I’ve found is by MAC but it’s $$$ … I’d love to find a drugstore version!
beautybymissl says
I don´t wear contacts, but on the bottle it is said to be suitable for those, too. Unfortunately I´ve no idea if it really is so.
Frankie CH says
This eye makeup remover sounds great! I find taking off my makeup a bit of a chore, so I like that you don’t have to do much movement except hold the cotton pad with the remover on to your eye. Great review!
Frankie x
beautybymissl says
makeupbylaurag says
This sounds really nice! xoxo Great review!
Rosey says
Simple is best for me, for a make up remover because I’m tired at night and don’t want to do a lot of fuss. Thanks for the sharing.
Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
See kõlab väga hea olevad. pean proovima 😉
litfromwithin9 says
I don’t like it if it leaves an oily residue – does it?
Leelo says
No oily residue 🙂
JessicaWCassidy (@wifetoalineman) says
yay! that is awesome to keep our face clean free from make-up by using this make-up remover 🙂
Miranda says
Sounds awesome, especially since you didn’t have to rub away at your eyes!
jshallow01 says
It’s so important to have a good eye makeup remover if you wear eye makeup so that you aren’t tugging on your skin so much.
Anastasia says
Sounds great, I really dislike removers that make me want to rub my eyes.
honeygirlsworld says
I need to try this. I have a hard time with eye makeup removers because my eyes are so sensitive – they always sting. I use a Mary Kay one that so far has worked nicely – but I don’t like spending the money on it. This may be a great alternative. 😉
NORAH says
Have you tried Bioderma makeup remover?Thats my favorite product to remove makeup, it is from France. This looks like a good one to try as well and prob not as costly.
Leelo says
I haven´t tried Bioderma products, yet, but I think I should then try their makeup removerd 😀 This Garnier makeup remover doesn´t costs much. I purchased it when it was on sale and it cost 3€.
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
This sounds great!
Ashley says
I love a biphase eye makeup remover. Question… Did this leave an oily film behind?
Leelo says
I also love biphase eye makeup removers! 🙂 This one did not leave an oily residue.
MommyPehpot says
Hmm sounds like a good product, I hope this one is available here in my country
MommyPehpot says
by the way, I don’t use eye make up that much, only mascara and eyeliner,this works with those two right?
Debbie L. says
I will check this out…Garnier is a trusted name. Thanks for sharing.
Amanda @ Adorkablii.com says
This sounds like it might be a good product for me! I hate taking my make up off! Thankfully I don’t wear a lot but it is a chore sometimes and i dread it! I think I will have to check this out when I am finished with what I have no.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
This sounds like a great make-up remover. I actually haven’t tried one. I remove make-up just by washing my face.
Chrissy says
How much does it cost? Sonia Kashuk has a similar product available at target for super cheap
Leelo says
I purchased with discount and paid 3€, but I think its retail price is maybe around 5€.