Täna tahan teile tutvustada Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture näopesugeeli, mille tellisin iHerb´st kui seal oli kõigile Mineral Fusion toodetele 20% lisaallahindlus. Sellisest firmast nagu Mineral Fusion polnud ma kunagi varem kuulnud ning seega puhtalt uudishimust otsustasingi proovida nende näopesugeeli, mis peaks olema sobiv kuivale ja tundlikule nahale.
My today´s review is about Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture Facial Cleanser. I ordered it when iHerb had and extra 20% off discount on all Mineral Fusion products. I had never heard of this brand before and so I was curious to try their facial cleanser which is suitable for dry and sensitive skin types.
Info ja koostisosad / Information & ingredients
Minu arvamus
Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture näopesugeel on 207ml keeratava korgiga plastik tuubis. iHerb´i lehel on selle hinnaks 11,04$/ ~8,25€. Toote disain on lihtne ent samas minu jaoks meeldejääv.
Näopesugeel ise on sellise natuke nagu värske ja ravimtaime lõhnaga. Alguses mind see lõhn kusjuures häiris, ent varsti harjusin sellega. Geel ise on valget värvi ja kreemjas. Näole on seda lihtne kanda ning veega kokkupuutudes hakkab ta näol mõnusalt vahutama. Pakendil on lubatud, et nahk on pärast selle toote kasutamist pehme ja elujõuline. Tõesti nahk jääb peale Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture näopesugeeli kasutamist pehme, niisutatud ning ei kisu kuskilt ebameeldivalt.
Näopesugeel ise on sellise natuke nagu värske ja ravimtaime lõhnaga. Alguses mind see lõhn kusjuures häiris, ent varsti harjusin sellega. Geel ise on valget värvi ja kreemjas. Näole on seda lihtne kanda ning veega kokkupuutudes hakkab ta näol mõnusalt vahutama. Pakendil on lubatud, et nahk on pärast selle toote kasutamist pehme ja elujõuline. Tõesti nahk jääb peale Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture näopesugeeli kasutamist pehme, niisutatud ning ei kisu kuskilt ebameeldivalt.
Mis aga puutub selle geeli näopuhastamis omadustesse siis nendega on nii ja naa. Näiteks Oriflame niisutavat toonivat kreemi ei võta see mingi valemiga maha samas kui e.l.f´i tooniva kreemi eemaldab ta edukalt. Silmameigi eemaldamist katsetasin ühe korra ning uuesti ei proovi ning ei soovita seda teha ka teil, sest kui see silma satub siis oi oi oi …. kipitus ja torkiv tunne kestab paar tundi.
Kokkuvõttes on Mineral Fusion Ultimate Fusion näopesugeel igati hea toode ning ostaksin/telliksin ma seda tulevikuski. Punkte küll päris 5 ei annaks ent tugeva 4 saab ta hindeks küll.
Kui sa ei ole varem iHerb.com´st tellinud, siis koodiga ROH837 saad sa oma kõige esimeselt tellimusel säästa kuni 10$!
Kokkuvõttes on Mineral Fusion Ultimate Fusion näopesugeel igati hea toode ning ostaksin/telliksin ma seda tulevikuski. Punkte küll päris 5 ei annaks ent tugeva 4 saab ta hindeks küll.
Kui sa ei ole varem iHerb.com´st tellinud, siis koodiga ROH837 saad sa oma kõige esimeselt tellimusel säästa kuni 10$!
My opinion
Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture Facial Cleanser comes in 207ml plastic tube with screw cap. It costs $11.04 on iHerb. The design of this tube is simple, but for me it is easy to remember and in store I would definitely notice it among other similar products. Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture Facial Cleanser has fresh, bit herbal scent that I wasn´t liking very much at first, but soon I got used to it. The product itself is white and creamy. If I apply it on my face and start rinsing it off with water then it foams nicely. It is promised that this non-drying foam leaves skin soft and revitalized. In my opinion this facial cleanser definitely lives up to its promises and my skin does feel soft and moisturised after using this product.
When it comes to this cleanser´s cleaning properties then the result depends on the makeup product you have applied on your skin. For example it does not remove Oriflame Aqua-Rhythm Tinted Moisturiser, but it does remove e.l.f. Tinted Moisturizer SPF15. I also tried removing eye makeup once with this facial cleanser, but that is bad bad bad idea, because when it gets into your eye then it hurts and the stinging feeling lasts couple of hours :SIn conclusion this definitely is good facial cleanser and I would order/purchase it again. How many points out of 5 would I give to this? 4,5 out of 5 from me 🙂
If you haven´t ordered from iHerb.com before then with code ROH837 you can save up to $10 from your very first order.
Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture Facial Cleanser comes in 207ml plastic tube with screw cap. It costs $11.04 on iHerb. The design of this tube is simple, but for me it is easy to remember and in store I would definitely notice it among other similar products. Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture Facial Cleanser has fresh, bit herbal scent that I wasn´t liking very much at first, but soon I got used to it. The product itself is white and creamy. If I apply it on my face and start rinsing it off with water then it foams nicely. It is promised that this non-drying foam leaves skin soft and revitalized. In my opinion this facial cleanser definitely lives up to its promises and my skin does feel soft and moisturised after using this product.
When it comes to this cleanser´s cleaning properties then the result depends on the makeup product you have applied on your skin. For example it does not remove Oriflame Aqua-Rhythm Tinted Moisturiser, but it does remove e.l.f. Tinted Moisturizer SPF15. I also tried removing eye makeup once with this facial cleanser, but that is bad bad bad idea, because when it gets into your eye then it hurts and the stinging feeling lasts couple of hours :SIn conclusion this definitely is good facial cleanser and I would order/purchase it again. How many points out of 5 would I give to this? 4,5 out of 5 from me 🙂
If you haven´t ordered from iHerb.com before then with code ROH837 you can save up to $10 from your very first order.