Today I have Palmers Eventone BB Cream for Fair/Light skin tone review for you. I ordered this BB cream from iHerb and I have used it about 2 months total. I actually have love-hate relationship with this BB cream. There are days when I absolutely love it and then there are days when I just could not be more disappointed in this cream.
Information and ingredients list from the packaging
Palmers BB Cream comes in 30ml plastic tube and on iHerb it costs $9.25. Unfortunately this cream comes only in two shades – Fair/Light and Medium/Dark.
Palmer´s Eventone BB Cream has very good scent that reminds me of honey. The shade of cream looks very light but it turns bit darker on my skin. This BB cream in shade Fair/light suits well to light skin.
The cream itself feels really light on the skin and it is easy to apply and blend it. Palmer´s BB cream absorbs nicely and doesn´t leave skin greasy. But be careful when you apply it. If applied too much then it will start rolling off your face. What I like about this cream is that it leaves my skin looking very natural and nicely even.
This BB cream does not cover very well and so if you have lots of imperfections then it won´t suit you very well. When it comes to this BB cream´s moisturising properties then it won´t offer enough moisture for very dry skin. My skin type is normal to dry and some days I just felt that my skin was dry and needed extra moisture. Oh and what I absolutely hated – if you have any try patches on your face then this cream will make them very visible!
and that’s how Palmers Eventone BB Cream looks on my face.
Likes & dislikes
+ suits well for light skin
+ has pleasant scent
+ easy to apply and blend
+ looks very natural on skin
+ contains SPF15
+ hasn´t caused me any irritation or breakouts
+ lasts all day
– doesn´t cover very well
– brings out dry patches
– might not offer enough moisture for dry or very dry skin
– if applied too much then it starts to roll off your face
Would I buy/order it again?
Well that’s a good question. Even though it has some cons it is overall a good BB cream and suits well for the days when I need really natural look. But I think there might be better ones out there and so I am not sure I would purchase it again.
Täna siis postitus Palmer´si Eventone BB kreemist toonis Fair/Light. Mina tellisin selle iHerbist. Kasutanud olen seda nüüdseks kokku kaks kuud ja selle kreemiga on mul selline vihkan-armastan suhe. Mõni päev on see PARIM TOODE üldse ja teinekord olen selles jällegi pettunud.
Palmers´i Eventone BB kreem on saadaval kahes toonis: fair/light ja medium/dark. Kreemil on meeldiv lõhn, mis mulle meenutab mee lõhna. Tuubist võtted on kreem üsna hele, ent nahale kandes muutub ta veidi tumedamaks. Palmer´si BB kreem hästi kerge ja teda ei tunnegi nahal ning tulemus on loomulik. Pealekandmine on lihtne ja ka hajutamine ning nägu ei jää ebameeldivalt rasvaseks vms. Liiga paksult kreemi nahale kandes aga hakkab ta näolt maha rulluma.
See BB kreem ei kata eriti palju ning seega kui nahal on palju punne vms iluvigu mis vajavad varjamist, siis selle kreemiga seda tulemust ei saavuta. Lisaks ei pruugi Palmers´i BB kreemi niisutavad omadused olla piisavad väga kuiva naha puhul. Minul on normaalne-kuiv nahk ning üldiselt pakub see kreem piisavalt niisutust, ent siiski on päevi mil tunnen et nahk on kuidagi kuiv ja vajaks lisaks niisutavat kreemi. AA ja üks asi mis mulle selle kreemi juures absoluutselt ei meeldinud oli see, et see tõi eriti hästi esile kuivad laigud nahal (mis mul külmemal ajal vahel tekivad :S)
Lühidalt siis meeldimised ja mitte meeldimised
Mis meeldis
+ sobib hästi heledale nahale
+ meeldiva lõhnaga
+ lihtne peale kanda ja hajutada
+ jääb nahal loomulik
+ päikesekaitsega SPF15
+ ei ole põhjustanud ärritust või punne vms nahaprobleeme
+ püsib näol terve päeva
Mitte meeldimised
– ei kata eriti hästi
– toob esile kuivad laigud nahal
– väga kuivale nahale ei paku piisavalt niisutust
– kui panna nahale liiga palju toodet, siis hakkab maha rulluma.
Kas ma ostaks seda veel?
Hea küsimus. Kuigi sellel BB kreemil on omad vead on kokkuvõttes tegu hea kreemiga kui sooviks on hästi loomulik tulemus. Siiski kaldun arvama, et on paremaid BB kreeme (mis vajavad veel avastamist) ning seega rohkem tõenäoliselt seda siiski ei telliks/ostaks.
Shannon Boyce says
I think it looks really pretty and natural on your skin!
Beauty and Fashion on a College budget says
I was wondering this BB cream, after seeing it gives no coverage. I know this is a pass for me.
daydreaming beauty says
You have really gorgeous skin to begin with! The only BB cream I have found so far that I like is Missha M perfect cover. I need extra coverage though! I usually use that on “no makeup” days, or as a primer under my foundation. I love that it has high SPF!