Täna tahan teile näidata, millised lauvärvitoonid on Vivo Cosmetics´i neutraalses 12 värviga lauvärvi paletis, mille nimeks on Dreamy. Kasutuses olete näinud mõnda tooni sellest paletist SIIN ja SIIN.
Today I want to show you the swatches of nice basic neutral eyeshadow palette by Vivo Cosmetics. The name of the palette is Dreamy and I have to say that for the price I got it (£1.99), it is definitely good! You have seen some looks done using this palette HERE & HERE.
Photo taken in shade |
Photo taken with flash |
Photo taken in direct sunlight |
Ja värvinäidised e swatchid. Näidised on tehtud nagu alati – esimene on puhtal nahal ning teise all on kasutatud lauvärvialuskreemi (seekord e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer in Sheer).
And the swatches. As always the first swatch is on bare skin and the second one is swatched over primer (this time I used e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer in Sheer)
Esimene rida / The first row
Teine rida / The second row
Kolmas rida / The third row
Minu arvamus Vivo Cosmetics Dreamy lauvärvipaletist
Nagu swatchidest näha on tegu väga mõnusate, hästi pigmenteeritud neutraalsete lauvärvidega, mida saab kasutada nii päevase kerge silmameigi jaoks kui ka õhtuse tugevama looki loomiseks. Paletis on 3 matti tooni ( Clay, Night ja Sand). Toonide peale kandmine ning hajutamine on lihtne. Isegi ilma lauvärvialuskreemita jäävad toonid üsna kirkad ning ka nende püsivuse kohta ei saa midagi halba öelda. Ainus negatiivne aspekt, mis ma seni selle lauvärvi paleti juures olen leidnud on see, et kuna need on väga pehmed, siis nende lauvärvide pealekandmisel pudeneb silma alla päris palju värvi. Vivo Cosmetics´i lehel on selle paleti hinnaks 3.99£ / ~4,70€ ent aegajalt on seal ka soodukaid.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu minu arvates hea lauvärvi paletiga ning seda võiks ka tulevikus osta.
NB! Kohe kohe tulemas üks väike loosimine, kus võib võita muuhulgas selle lauvärvi paleti!
My opinion about Vivo Cosmetics Dreamy Eyeshadow palette
As you can see this is great neutral eyeshadow palette which you can use day & night. This palette contains 12 well pigmented eyeshadow shades. Three of them are matte (Clay, Night, Sand) and rest of the shades have shiny finishes. Applying and blending these eye shadows is easy and even without primer they look vibrant and I can´t say anything bad about their staying power. So far there is just one thing I do not like about this palette – there is quite a lot of fallout during application.
This palette costs £3.99 on Vivo Cosmetics website, but there are also sales from time to time and then you can get it even cheaper.
In conclusion this is great neutral eyeshadow palette for those who are on budget!