A good hand cream is a must have, especially in cold winter time and in my case when I have to change my baby´s diapers x times a day and wash my hands x*x times a day. I received Lavera Basis Sensitive Hand Cream in Adorebox. I have been using it daily for about 2 months and I love it! This cream is one of my beauty favorites of 2012.
But before I tell you why I like it here is some information and ingredients list from the packaging.
So Lavera Basis Sensitive Organic hand cream with organic almond & organic shea butter comes in 75ml plastic tube. It has nice creamy texture and delicate scent.
What I absolutely loved about this hand cream is that it absorbs very quickly and it doesn´t leave my hands greasy. I like its delicate scent which makes using this hand cream pleasant. Since I don´t have extra dry skin then this hand cream is enough for moisturising my hands and making skin soft again. If your skin is very dry then this cream probably ain´t nourishing enough, but for normal skin types, in my opinion, this cream is great.
So would I buy it again? Definitely! I really liked that it absorbed quickly and moisturised my skin well.
Teatavasti on hea kätekreem must-have toode, eriti külmal talveajal mil nahk muutub kuivaks. Minu puhul muutis kätenahka väga kuivaks ka see, et vahetan oma beebil mähkmeid x korda päevas ning käsi pesen samuti väga tihti. Lavera Basis Sensitive kätekreemi sain ma Adorebox´st. Kasutanud olen ma seda igapäevaselt umbes 2 kuud ning tegu on ühe mu ilulemmikuga eelmisest aastast!
Lavera Basis Sensitive kätekreem sisaldab orgaanilist mandli ja sheavõid.
Kreem on oma tekstuurilt mõnusalt kreemjas ning sellel on meeldiv tagasihoidlik lõhn.
Mis mulle selle kätekreemi juures eriti meeldib on see, et see imendub imekiiresti ja ei jäta käsi ebameeldivalt rasvaseks. Samuti meeldib mulle selle õrn tagasihoidlik lõhn. Kuna minu nahk ei ole extra kuiv, siis minu kätele pakub Lavera Basis Sensitive kreem küllaldaselt niisutust. Kui su nahk on aga väga väga kuiv, siis tõenäoliset jääb see kreem nö liiga kergeks, ent normaalsele nahatüübile on see minu arvates igati sobiv.
Kas ma ostaks seda veel? JAH! Mulle meeldis, et see kätekreem imendus kiiresti ja niisutas mu käte nahka.