I hadn’t used Oriflame products for a few years, but I stumbled on an Oriflame brochure last autumn. Ever since then, I have ordered some Oriflame beauty and makeup products from time to time. I ordered Oriflame The One In Action Sweat-Proof Mascara back in Spring. Since I needed a waterproof mascara that would survive […]
waterproof makeup
Review: Faberlic Water Splash Waterproof mascara
A few weeks ago I shared with you my thoughts on Faberlic Two-Phase Eye Makeup Remover. Today it’s time to share my experience with Faberlic Water Splash Waterproof mascara with you. Paar nädalat tagasi jagasin teiega enda muljeid Faberlic kahefaasilisest silmameigieemaldajast. Täna on aga aeg jagada teiega enda kogemust Faberlic Water Splash veekindlast ripsmetušist. Faberlic […]