About a month ago I introduced you absolutely wonderful VIVI 12 Herbs Shampoo and today I have another very good VIVI product to show you 🙂 I received VIVI Aloe Vera Nourishing Face Cream as a gift when I visited new VIVI store in Tallinn and I immediately started using this cream as a night […]
VIVI 12 Herbs Shampoo / VIVI 12 Ürdi Šampoon
Shampoo that smells incredible and is made of organic ingredients? Yes, please! My today’s post is of VIVI 12 Herbs Shampoo that I have been using for a month now and it is definitely one of those shampoos that quickly won my heart. Šampoon millel on imehea lõhn ning mis on tehtud orgaanilistest koostisosadest? Jah, palun! […]
VIVI pood nüüd avatud Tallinnas! / VIVI store now open in Tallinn
VIVI is a Lithuanian brand which beauty products are made of natural and organic ingredients. On this Monday, August 1st they opened their first store in Tallinn, Estonia. After reading about their products I just had to visit their store and see and smell the products myself. VIVI on Leedu looduslike ilutoodete bränd. Esmaspäeval, 1.augustil […]