… breakfast 😀 Is lately scrambled eggs with cucumuber-tomato salad 😛 and of course 1-2 cups of coffee with some milk. I have always liked scrambled eggs as breakfast when we are staying in some hotel with R and having breakfast there. Anyway couple of weeks ago I finally did some googling and found some […]
7 Bad Beauty Habits To Break ASAP
I stumbled across this article “7 Bad Beauty Habits To Break Asap”. Actually I already know all these bad habits and i´m really trying to break them, but yeah… well…. Anyway even if you know all these then it is always good to repeat them: So according to this article bad beauty habits are: 1. […]
Non-Beauty related post: Redesigning bedroom….
I got sick and tired of our bedroom design and since we bought new bed yesterday which came today then we decided to relocate rest of the furniture in the bedroom also 😛 The good thing about this redesigning is that I had to empty my clothes closet for relocating and I discovered some tops […]
Some new beauty stuff
This week I was in Tartu and in Rakvere. In Tartu I did some shopping. Besides new jeans and two tops I bought some new nail polishes and facial cleansing products.First things that I bought were Maybelline miniColorama nail polishes. I got 88 Peach Coctail, 80 Electric Blue, 96 Party Blue and 95 Green Park. […]
Oh happy day!
Ehk siis ma sain täna lõpuks oma kaua kaua kaua oodatud lookfantasticu paki kätte 😀 Selles pakis olid järgmised asjad: – De Lorenzo niisutav kinkekomplekt, mis sisaldas: De Lorenzo Moisture Balance šampoon De Lorenzo Moisture Balance Intense palsam De Lorenzo Infinite Leave in detangler – Fudge šampooni ja palsami komplekti, mis peaks juuksed kohevamaks tegema. […]
It´s Monday afternoon ……
… and nothing has changed. Ehk siis saaga sai alguse 8.juunil kui ma Lookfantasticu allahindluselt mõned asjad tellisin. 9.juunil pandi asjad Inglismaalt posti. 17.juunil sain ma kirja ****** Logisticsilt, kus seisis, et mulle on saabunud pakk ja et ma nendega selle kohale toimetamise osas ühendust võtaks. Kuna varem ei olnud võimalik, siis 22.juuni sain lõpuks […]