What is Smushie? Smushie is a super smoothie that contains only the best organic ingredients. These super smoothies are free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. They are not made from concentrate and there are no added sugars. Sounds great, right? Mis asi siis ikkagi on Smushie? Smushie on supersmuuti, mis on tehtud Eestis meie […]
Ilublogijate kokkutulek 2018 / Estonian Beauty Bloggers Meet-up 2018
On Sunday, I had an amazing opportunity to attend Estonian Beauty Bloggers Meetup 2018. It was an interesting event. Every year it is held in a new place and this year’s meetup was held at Helen Heinroos Hair salon in Tallinn. It was great to see other Estonian beauty bloggers, chat about blogging and life, […]