Eelmisel nädalal tutvustasin teile kahte Eestis tehtud ilutoodet ning tänagi tahan teile tutvustada järjekordset leidu ilublogijate kokkutuleku kingikotist – Sandrelle Beauty Virsik kehasufleed ja Rose Blossom suhkrutükikestega kehakoorijat. Ütlen kohe ära, et mõlemal tootel on imeline lõhn! Last week I introduced you some beauty products that are made in Estonia and today I have another […]
Sandrelle Beauty
Ilublogijate kokkutulek 2018 / Estonian Beauty Bloggers Meet-up 2018
On Sunday, I had an amazing opportunity to attend Estonian Beauty Bloggers Meetup 2018. It was an interesting event. Every year it is held in a new place and this year’s meetup was held at Helen Heinroos Hair salon in Tallinn. It was great to see other Estonian beauty bloggers, chat about blogging and life, […]