Last week I showed you super good Innisfree It’s Real Bija mask and my today’s post is of another face mask. Today I have HEMA Warm Honey Exfoliating Face Mask review for you. I purchased this face mask last year during my trip to The Netherlands and I think it cost around 1€. Eelmisel nädalal näitasin […]
HEMA Bye Bye Bye makeup remover pads review
I purchased Hema Bye Bye Bye makeup remover pads last October when we visited Netherlands. I have been using these from time to time and so here’s a short review of them. Ostsin Hema Bye Bye Bye meigieemalduspadjakesed eelmise aasta oktoobris Hollandist. Olen neid aegajalt kasutanud silmameigi eemaldamiseks ja seega miks mitte, siis ka teiega jagada enda […]