*PR Sample Read my Brush-Baby review in English HERE Lapsed ja hammaste pesu. Ütleme nii, et kumbki minu poistest – ei 7-aastane ega ka peaagu kahene pole seda kunagi nautinud. Vanem laps hädaldab ja viriseb ja leiutab põhjuseid hambapesu vältimiseks, iga kord kui on vaja hambaid pesta. Ja väiksem üritab lihtsalt hambaharja ära süüa. Eks […]
electric toothbrush
Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush
Back in September I was contacted and offered an opportunity to test Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush for 4 weeks. Since we have been thinking about purchasing a new electric toothbrush then this was for me a perfect opportunity to find out if ProtectiveClean 5100 would be something for me. If you follow me on […]