Hei kaunitarid! Lähenemas on koolilõpuaktused ja peod ja seega mõtlesin teiega täna jagada ühte lihtsat koolilõpusoengu ideed. Selle soengu tegemiseks läheb põhimõtteliselt vaja kammi tupeerimiseks, väikest juuksekummi, juuksepulbrit ja juukselakki. Kuigi tegu on lihtsa soenguga siis kindlasti soovitan enne tähtsat päeva siiski paar korda katsetada selle tegemist 😉 Selles videos räägin hästi lühidalt ka mõnedest […]
Prom makeup using Urban Decay Naked 3 eyeshadow palette
Prom season is here and so today I’m showing you this prom makeup where I used Urban Decay Naked 3 eyeshadow palette, plus some other great products. At first, I had an amazing plan to film a proper tutorial, but when I was just halfway done with my eye makeup my camera battery died (<–lesson […]
Easy Summer Makeup with Avon
Last week I showed your two makeup looks with done using Avon makeup products and today I have another look for you. This time I created easy summer makeup look. For this look I only used makeup products from Avon. Eelmisel nädalal näitasin teile kahte meiki, mille tegemisel kasutasin Avoni meigitooteid. Täna on mul teile näitamiseks […]
Simple Christmas decoration
Today is First Sunday of Advent and this means that our family stars decorating for Christmas. We probably won’t decorate the tree yet, but I will decorate the windows. Today I want to show you this simple christmas decoration for window which takes less than 5 minutes to make! Ja ongi käes esimene advent 🙂 […]
#bbcchallenge: The Orange, Red and Yellow Challenge
Hello everyone! November it ending and so it is time for this month’s #bbcchallenge. The theme for this month’s challenge was orange, red and yellow which was inspired of colourful fall leaves. And of course I decided to do checkered orange, red and yellow nails. Hei hei kõik! November hakkab lõppema ja seega on aeg järjekordseks […]
DIY Bespoke Christmas Hamper for Beauty Lover
39 days to Christmas! I love Christmas! I love Christmas food, Christmas songs, Christmas decorations and of course I love Christmas gifts! Today I’m going yo show you DIY Bespoke Christmas Hamper for Beauty Lover! I love the idea of Christmas hampers and nowadays there are many ready-made Christmas hampers that you can buy, but […]