New month has started and so it’s time for a recap post. Since I forgot to do May 2021 recap post then I will summarize both May and June in my today’s post. So let’s start with numbers In May, I published 10 posts. That is 3 less than in April, but 4 more than […]
Month In Review: April 2021
Well, I’m a bit late with my April 2021 recap post, but I guess better late than never. So let’s start this April 2021 recap post with numbers! In April, I published a total of 13 posts. That is 2 less than in March, but 10 more than a year ago. Last month my blog […]
Month In Review: March 2021
*Affiliate links Another month has gone by, and so it’s time for another recap post. March started off great and then it didn’t go on that great anymore. The COVID-19 situation got worse here in Estonia, and that meant that my son had to start distance learning again which meant that most of my time […]
Month In Review: February 2021
It’s March! Yay! This means it is time for a little roundup of how my February went. So let’s start with my favourite part – the numbers! In February I posted 14 posts. That is seven less than in January and 11 more than a year ago. Of course, February was a bit shorter month, […]
Happy 10th Blogiversary & Kuma Butterfly Effect Earrings X Valio Viola
Click here to read in English! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks Beauty by Miss L blogile! Alustasin selle blogiga täpselt 10 aastat tagasi ja ausalt öeldes on natuke uskumatu, et ma ikka veel sellega tegelen. Eks mu blogil on olnud häid aeg, veel paremaid aegu ja mitte nii edukaid aegu, aga ma loodan, et alates aastast 2021 […]
Month In Review: January 2021
January flew by so fast, and so it’s time for a little roundup of the month. In January 2021, I wrote/published 21 posts which is 16 more than in January 2020. My blog received about 45% more page views than a year ago. Top 10 posts of January 2021 on were According to Google […]