Hi! Time for my #1800minutechallenge week 7 roundup. It was busy week, but I managed to work out every day, except Sunday. I mostly went jogging & walking to train for the Maijooks which I attended on Saturday. Maijooks is 7km race and I enjoyed it a lot. Last year I participated in Maijooks for the […]
#1800minutechallenge week 6 over
Hi! Time for my #1800minutechallenge week 6 post (if you don´t know what kind of challenge this is then click HERE) 😀 I can´t believe that 7th week already started and once the May ends this challenge will end, too. Wow! I am really loving this challenge and even though I have those days when […]
Create unique collages with Picture Collage Maker
Hi beauties! Today I have a little bit different review for you. My today´s post is about a program called Picture Collage Maker software. This program allows you to create photo collages from your digital images. There is a variety of template layouts to choose from or you can create your own unique design. You […]
One Community: May 2014
Hi! Time for this month´s One community post. One Community is a photo blogging project in which participants photograph their lives and communities with a theme in mind. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art. The theme varies by month. This […]
41. jooks ümber Ülemiste järve/ 41th run around lake Ülemiste
Hei! Laupäeval käisin 41. jooksul ümber Ülemiste järve. Minu jaoks, kes ma ei ole jooksmises eriti tugev (loe: aasta tagasi ei oleks ma uskunud, et hakkan jooksmist isegi nautima ning lähen kuhugi rahvaspordiüritusele :P), oli see paras väljakutse, ent sain siiski 14km joostud ajaga 1:35:10. Lootsin küll veidi parema tulemuse saada ent noh eks tuleval […]