Hei! Täna tahan teile tutvustada Mineral Fusion Ultimate Moisture näopesugeeli, mille tellisin iHerb´st kui seal oli kõigile Mineral Fusion toodetele 20% lisaallahindlus. Sellisest firmast nagu Mineral Fusion polnud ma kunagi varem kuulnud ning seega puhtalt uudishimust otsustasingi proovida nende näopesugeeli, mis peaks olema sobiv kuivale ja tundlikule nahale. Hi! My today´s review is about Mineral […]
Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub
Today I want to introduce you one of my favorite facial scrubs. This facial scrub is by Queen Helene and I ordered it back in January from iHerb.com. So why do I love Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub that much? Read on to find out 😉 Täna tahan teile tutvustada ühte enda lemmik näokoorijat. Tegu […]
Physicians Formula Eye Definer Felt-Tip Eye Marker in Ultra Black
Hi! Today I have Physicians Formula Eye Definer Felt-Tip Eye Marker review for you. I ordered it from iHerb.com in April. I have used it for my eye makeup look HERE & HERE. Hei! Minu tänane postitus on Physicians Formula Eye Definer Felt-Tip Eye Marker lainerist, mille tellisin aprillis iHerb´st. Information & ingredients / info & koostis […]
Beauty Without Cruelty Creamy Eye & Face Makeup Remover
Hi! Today I have Beauty Without Cruelty Creamy Eye & Face Makeup Remover review for you. I ordered this makeup remover from iHerb.com where it costs $6.69. After using BWC Extra Gentle eye makeup remover I wasn´t very sure if it was a good idea to try this creamy version, but I am glad I did, because […]
Palmer´s Eventone BB Cream Fair/Light review
Hi! Today I have Palmers Eventone BB Cream for Fair/Light skin tone review for you. I ordered this BB cream from iHerb and I have used it about 2 months total. I actually have love-hate relationship with this BB cream. There are days when I absolutely love it and then there are days when I […]
Reviva Labs Cleansing Gel review
Hi! Today I have Reviva Labs Cleansing Gel review for you. I ordered it from iHerb couple of months ago and it soon became one of my favorite cleansing gels and I also mentioned it in my April 2013 Favorites post. Before I tell you why I liked it, here little information from the packaging. […]