Meet the best smelling body care products I have ever used – What’s in it for me? body scrub and hand wash. Both of these are made in the UK and they smell amazing! Saage tuttavaks kõige paremini lõhnavate kehahooldustoodetega, mida ma seni kasutanud olen – What’s in it for me? kehakoorija ja vedelseebiga. Toodetud on need […]
Search Results for: body scrub
Natura Siberica Faroe Islands Modelling and Sculpting Body Scrub
Last week I shared with you my review of Natura Siberica Alladale Nourishing & Repairing Natural Hand Cream. My today’s review is of another great Natura Siberica product – Natura Siberica Faroe Islands Modelling and Sculpting Body Scrub. Eelmisel nädalal saite lugeda minu arvamust Natura Siberica Alladale toitvast ja taastavast kätekreemist. Täna aga on mul teile […]
Korres Basil Lemon Body Scrub helps to make skin nice and smooth
Summer is coming on so in order to get nice even tan that lasts longer, body scrubs are a must! Last summer I ordered Korres Basil Lemon Body Scrub, but never really used it then 😛 and so for the last month I have been finally using it. Suvi on tulemas ja seega kauni ja […]
Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub
My today´s post is about Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub which has really a really good scent that I personally like a lot that for some it might be a bit too overwhelming. But how about its exfoliating properties? Read on to find out 😉 Minu tänane postitus on Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica kehakoorijast. Sellel on […]
Oriflame Discover Mexico Caribbean Breeze Body Scrub
Hi! Last week I reviewed some Avon products and so I decided to review bunch of Oriflame products this week 🙂 I start my Oriflame posts with Oriflame Discover Mexico Caribbean Breeze Body Scrub review. I ordered it some time last autumn, because I needed a new body scrub. Hei! Eelmisel nädalal saite lugeda minu […]
Fruttini Milky Orange Body Scrub
I have used Fruttini Milky Orange Body Scrub about a month twice a week. This didn´t cost much (less than 5€ I think), but I like it a lot. Information from the packaging Fruttini Milky Orange Body Scrub contains quite big particles, which might be too harsh for people with sensitive skin. My opinion about […]