I hadn’t used Oriflame products for a few years, but I stumbled on an Oriflame brochure last autumn. Ever since then, I have ordered some Oriflame beauty and makeup products from time to time.
I ordered Oriflame The One In Action Sweat-Proof Mascara back in Spring. Since I needed a waterproof mascara that would survive rainy weather and workout, then this one seemed like a great choice.
Oriflame’i tooteid ei ole ma päris mitu aastat enam kasutanud, aga kui töökaaslane tegeleb Oriflame müümisega ja kord kuus jälle uus kataloog mu töölaual maandub, siis tuleb ikka midagi uut ja huvitavat ju ära proovida 😀 Ja nii siis olengi aegajalt uusi Oriflame’i ilutooteid katsetanud.
Täna muljetan pikemalt Oriflame The One In Action veekindlast ripsmetušist, mille tellisin tegelikult juba kevadel. Kuna mul oli vaja uut ripsmekat, mis elaks üle nii vihmasaju kui trenni tegemise, siis tundus see täitsa hea valikuna.
The One In Action Mascara is a smudge, sweat, and waterproof mascara that pumps up your lashes, even when you are most active. It ensures that your mascara doesn’t run, smear, smudge or travel thanks to a quick dry-touch finish and lasting wear even in tough conditions.
It is made with ACTIVE ENERGISER designed to fortify, protect, nourish and restore lash beauty.
Oriflame The One In Action ripsmetušš on määrimis-, higi- ja veekindel ripsmetušš. See pumpab sinu ripsmeid siis, kui sina tegeled aktiivselt enda lihaste treenimisega. Tänu Quick dry-touch viimistlusele püsib tušš paigal, ei lähe laiali ja ei määri, ka kõige karmimates tingimustes.
Ripsmetušile lisatud ACTIVE ENERGISER aitab ripsmeid kaitsta ja toita, muutes need jooksul kaunimaks.
Oriflame The One In Action Sweat-Proof Mascara comes in an eye-catching orange tube that holds 8ml of product. The black mascara is truly black in color, and it has a light scent.
This mascara comes with a curved silicone mascara wand. It has longer bristles on one side and shorter ones on the opposite side. The longer bristles for quite a good job separating the lashes and keeping them from clumping together. The shorter bristles are good for applying mascara.
Be warned that it’s very easy to accidentally poke your eye with those longer bristles when you use the mascara for the first time.
Oriflame The One In Action ripsmetušš on pilkupüüdvas oranžis tuubis, milles 8ml toodet. Ripsmetušš on musta värvusega ning sellel on õrn lõhn.
Ripsmetušil on silikoonist, veidi kaarja kujuga harjake. Harjakese ühel küljel on lühikesed harjased ja teisel pool pikemad. Pikemad harjakesed on head ripsmete eraldamiseks värvimise ajal. Lühemad aga katavad ripsmed ühtlaselt tušiga.
NB! Hoiatan ette, et pikemate harjakestega võib esimestel kasutuskordadel kergelt kogemata endale silma torgata .
Using the mascara is easy – just apply to lashes starting at the roots and moving towards the tips. Repeat for longer and more voluminous result.
The One In Action waterproof mascara takes a little while to completely dry on my lashes. Once it has dried it will be pretty much smudge and waterproof. It also seems pretty sweat-proof, however, from time to time it does leave tiny black marks on my upper eye area where my lashes touch the skin. It doesn’t happen very often, but still it has happened a few times.
But the good news is that the mascara doesn’t flake nor irritate my eyes (it is a case with some waterproof mascaras).
Oriflame The One In Action Smudge-Proof mascara makes my lashes longer and adds some volume.
Overall, I think that this is an okay mascara. It is pretty much water-, sweat-, and smudgeproof, but, in my opinion there are better mascaras out there.
Would I repurchase it? Probably not.
The One In Action ripsmetušši on lihtne kasutada – lihtsalt libista ripsmetuši harjake läbi enda ripsmete liikudes juurtest otsteni. Korda tegevust intentsiivsema tulemuse jaoks.
Oriflame In Action ripsmekas ei kuiva mu ripsmetel momenaatselt, ent kui see lõpuks kuivanud on, siis on see enamvähem vee- ja määrimiskindel. Lisaks on see ka üsna higikindel. Siiski on paaril korral juhtunud, et ripsmetušš on nahale, kus ripsmed vastu nahka puutuvad, tillukesi musti täpikesi jätnud. Õnneks ei juhtu seda väga tihti, aga siiski mõned korrad on seda esinenud.
Positiivse poole pealt võiks välja tuua, et Oriflame The One In Action ripsmetušš ei ärrita mu silmi. Lisaks ei hakka see päevajooksul tükikestena silmaalustele pudenema.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates tegu okei ripsmetušiga. See on üsna vee-, higi- ja määrimiskindel, ent samas on olemas paremaid ripsmekaid.
Kas ma ostaks seda uuesti? Pigem mitte.