A few weeks ago I shared with you my thoughts on Faberlic Two-Phase Eye Makeup Remover. Today it’s time to share my experience with Faberlic Water Splash Waterproof mascara with you.
Paar nädalat tagasi jagasin teiega enda muljeid Faberlic kahefaasilisest silmameigieemaldajast. Täna on aga aeg jagada teiega enda kogemust Faberlic Water Splash veekindlast ripsmetušist.

Faberlic Water Splash Waterproof mascara is described as the perfect option for rainy weather, the seaside vacation, or the swimming pool.
The mascara features an innovative Triple Aquaproof System that makes the mascara ultra waterproof. The texture of Water Splash waterproof mascara is resistant, not only to water but also to sweat and tears.
Faberlic Water Splash Waterproof mascara comes in a simple black tube that holds 9ml of product. I like the classic fiber brush of this mascara because it helps to cover each lash from the root to the tip with beautiful black mascara. The mascara’s texture is on the runnier side and takes a few minutes to completely dry on my lashes. This means that it’s better not to blink (or even worse – sneeze) for a minute or two if you don’t want to end up with tiny black spots around your eyes.
Water Splash mascara adds volume and length to my lashes. And once the mascara has dried on my lashes, it will stay all day. I like that it doesn’t flake during the day. However, when it comes to smudging, then it’s a bit different story – unfortunately, it smudges a bit, and therefore I’m not sure if I would actually use it in very warm and humid conditions.

Removing the Water Splash waterproof mascara is easy and I haven’t had any problems with removing it. So far I have tested it with Ziaja Eye Make-Up Remover Duo-Phase, Faberlic Two-Phase Eye Makeup Remover, Mixa Bi-phase Cleanser, and Garnier Express 2in1 Eye Makeup Remover.
Overall, I think that Faberlic Water Splash waterproof mascara is quite good for everyday use. It does make my lashes longer and adds some volume. It doesn’t flake but it may smudge in very humid conditions. It doesn’t irritate my eyes and is easy to use.
Would I buy it again? Probably not!
For more information check out Faberlic website.
Faberlic Water Splash veekindel ripsmetušš
Faberlic Water Splash veekindel ripsmetušš peaks lubaduste kohaselt olema suurepärane valik vihmailmaga või siis mereäärseks puhkuseks või hoopis basseinis hullamiseks.
Tänu tuši innovaatilisele tootevalemile Triple Aquaproof System on tušš eriti veekindel. Ripsmeka tekstuur on lisaks veele, vastupidav ka higi ja pisarate suhtes.
Faberlik veekindel ripsmetušš Water Splash on lihtsas mustas tuubis, kus sees 9ml toodet. Ripsmekal on klassikaline fiiberhari, mis aitab ripsmetuši kanda igale ripsmekarvale juurtest otsteni. Ripsmetuši tekstuur on vedelama poolne ja selle täielikuks kuivamiseks ripsmetel läheb paar minutit. See tähendab, et parem on mõned minutid mitte silmi pilgutada (või veel hullem – aevastada), kui sa ei taha, et silma ümbrus oleks pärast täis väikseid musti täpikesi.
Faberlic veekindel ripsmekas Water Splash lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust ja veidi volüümi. Kui ripsmetušš ripsmetel täielikult kuivanud on siis püsib tulemus terve päeva. AGA siin on üks aga. Kuigi päevajooksul ripsmetušš tükikestena maha pudenema ei hakka, siis silmaümbrust võib see vahel küll päeva jooksul natukene määrima hakata. Seega pole ma päris kindel, kas ma selle ripsmekaga väga soojadesse ja niisketesse tingumustele läheks.

Water Splash veekindla ripsmetuši ripsmetelt eemaldamine on lihtne. Seni olen selle eemaldamiseks kasutanud Ziaja kahefaasilist veekindla silmameigi eemaldajat, Faberlic kahefaasilist silmameigieemaldajat, Mixa kahefaasilist silmameigi eemaldajat ja Garnier Express 2in1 silmameigieemaldajat.
Kokkuvõttes arvan, et Faberlic veekindel ripsmetušš Water Splash on üsna hea igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. See lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust ja ei hakka päeva jooksul tükikestena silmaalustele pudenema. Samas aga võib see siiski niisketes tingimustes silmaümbrust määrida. Ripsmeka kasutamine on lihtne ning see ei ärrita mu silmi.
Kas ma ostaks Faberlic Water Splash veekindlat ripsmetuši veel? Pigem mitte.
Rohkem infot Faberlici ja Faberlic toodete kohta leiad nende veebilehelt.
Niel Jordan says
I loved it.. Thanks for sharing