Eesti keeles >>> Lakmé TEKNIA White Silver šampoon & juuksemask blondidele juustele
And another hair care product review to finish this week. On Wednesday, I shared with you my experience with Garnier Olia ammonia-free permanent hair dye in shade 10.1 Ashy Very Light Blonde. Today I want to introduce you two products I love and that work well for my blonde hair – Lakmé TEKNIA White Silver Shampoo & Mask.
TEKNIA White Silver Shampoo and mask are toning and brightening products for blonde, highlights, and white hair. They are promised to give blonde hair back its cool luminosity and revives purity to white hair. Both the shampoo and mask have a vegan formula, and they are paraben- and mineral oil-free.
I purchased these two products last Spring because I wanted to try something new for my blonde hair, and these two sounded promising.
Teknia White Silver Shampoo eliminates yellow highlights in white hair and prevents the emergence of undesired warm tones. It also moisturizes and revives hair’s natural purity and shine.
White Silver Shampoo comes in a 300ml bottle. The shampoo is purple (as most of those silver shampoos for blonde hair), and it smells rather good. I use it once a week or every other week. It is recommended to wear gloves when you use this shampoo (and also the mask), but I so far have used it without gloves. The shampoo lathers nicely and also cleanses my hair well. Most silver shampoos tend to dry out hair, and so you may end up with a straw-like dry mess. After using this shampoo my hair feels normal – soft and nice to touch.
Lakmé TEKNIA White Silver Mask repairs and protects all types of blonde hair. It helps to recover blonde and white hair’s natural shine and luminosity. The mask comes in a 250ml tube. I use it once a week or every other week. It is also purple just like shampoo, and it has a pleasant smell. The texture of the mask is nice and thick. I like that it makes my hair soft and easier to comb.
After using Lakmé Teknia White Silver Shampoo and Mask my hair is soft and shiny. How about the yellow and unwanted warm tones? Well, I must say that these White Silver shampoo and mask work pretty well when it comes to keeping my hair cool blonde. For the best result, I keep both the shampoo and mask on my hair for 5-10 minutes. Unfortunately, I have hardly ever that much time and so keep it only 1-2 minutes.
Lakmé TEKNIA White Silver šampoon & juuksemask blondidele juustele
Ja lõpetame selle nädala veel ühe juuksehooldustoodete postitusega. Kolmapäeval jagasin teiega enda muljeid Garnier Olia juuksevärvist toonis 10.1. Täna aga tahan teile tutvustada kahte suurepärast blondidele juustele mõeldud toodet – Lakme TEKNIA White Silver šampooni ja maski.
Lakmé TEKNIA White Silver šampoon ja juuksemask on toonivad tooted blondidele, triibutatud ja valgetele juustele. Šampoon ja mask annavad lubaduste kohaselt blondidele juustele tagasi nende külma sära ja valge juuste valge värvuse. Nii šampoon kui ka palsam on vegan koostisega ning vabad mineraalõlist ja parabeenidest.
Mina ostsin endale Silver White šampooni ja maski eelmisel kevadel, sest tahtsin midagi uut proovida ning need tooted tundusid paljulubavad.
Teknia White Silver šampoon eemaldab blondidest ja valgetest juustest kollaka tooni ning aitab vältida ka soovimatute soojade toonide tekkimist blondidesse juustesse.
White Silver šampoon on 300ml pudelis . Šampoonil on lilla värvusega nagu enamik hõbešampoone. Lisaks on sel šampoonil ka üsna meeldiv lõhn. Mina kasutan seda üldiselt kord nädalas või üle nädala – vastavalt vajadusele. Hõbešampoonide-maskide-palsamite kasutamisel soovitatakse kasutada kindaid mina küll üldiselt olen seni neid ilma kinnasteta kasutanud. Šampoon vahutab meeldivalt ja teeb mu juuksed puhtaks. Palju hõbešampoonid kipuvad juuksed muutma kuivaks ja takuseks. Õnneks aga Teknia Silver White šampoon jätab mu juuksed täitsa normaalseks ja pehmeks.
Lakmé Teknia White Silver mask parandab ja kaitseb blonde juukseid. See aitab taastada blondide ja valgete juuste loomuliku sära. Juuksemask on 250ml tuubis. Mina kasutan seda maski vastavalt vajadusele kord nädalas või ülenädala. Nii nagu šampoon, nii on ka mask lilla ja sellel on meeldiv lõhn. White Silver juuksemask aitab muuta mu juuksed pehmeks ja kergemini kammitavaks.