Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ Two-phase Eye And Lip Make-up Remover is one of those budget-friendly makeup removers. I purchased this makeup remover a few months ago. I like this kind of two-phase products for removing my eye and lip makeup because they are usually effective and get the job done quickly. I have used some Eveline Cosmetics products in the past (BB cream, makeup remover). Some of the products have been good and some, not that great.
Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ kahefaasiline silma- ja huulemeigi eemaldaja on taskukohase hinnaga toode, mille ostsin endale mõned kuud tagasi. Mulle üldiselt meeldivad sellised kahefaasilised meigieemaldajad kuna need eemaldavad tavaliselt meigi kerge vaevaga. Eveline Cosmetics’lt olen varasemalt mõnda toodet kasutanud (BB kreemi, meigieemaldajat). Mõned neist toodetest on olnud head ning mõned jälle mitte eriti.
Eveline Cosmetics was established in 1983 and it is one of the major cosmetic producers in Poland. Their products are sold in more than 70 countries all over the world. Eveline Cosmetics are known for their good quality products that come with a reasonable price tag.
Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ Two-phase Eye And Lip Make-up Remover is promised to be extremely effective and remove even waterproof makeup. It is promised to moisturize the skin and strengthen the lashes. The makeup remover doesn’t contain alcohol.
Eveline Cosmetics sai alguse 1983 ja tegu on ühe suurima Poola kosmeetika tootjaga, kelle tooteid müüakse enam kui 70 riigis üle kogu maailma. Eveline Cosmetics on tuntud oma kvaliteetsete toodete poolest, mis samas ei maksa üleliia palju.
Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ kahefaasiline silma-ja huulemeigi eemaldaja peaks olema lubaduste kohaselt efektiivne ning eemaldama isegi veekindla meigi. Lubaduste kohaselt peaks meigieemaldaja nahka niisutama ning samas ka ripsmeid tugevdama. Meigieemaldaja on alkoholivaba.
Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ Two-phase Eye And Lip Make-up Remover comes in a simple clear 150ml bottle. Using the makeup remover is easy – just shake the bottle to mix the two phases and apply the liquid onto a cotton pad.
Facemed+ Two-phase Eye And Lip Make-up Remover works rather well. It does remove eye makeup. But it does take a bit of time to remove all my eye makeup – especially the mascara. I like that it doesn’t dry out my eye area, however, I don’t like that it irritates my eyes if it happens to end up in my eye.
Overall, I think that Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ Two-phase Eye And Lip Make-up Remover is an okay product. It does get the job done but I’m not sure I would buy it again in the future.
Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ kahefaasiline meigieemaldaja on lihtsas läbipaistvas pudelis, kus sees 150ml toodet. Meigieemaldaja kasutamine on lihtne – lihtsalt tuleb pudelit raputada, et kaks vedelikku seguneks ning siis see kanda vatipadjale.
Facemed+ kahefaasiline meigieemaldaja töötab üsna hästi ja eemaldab meigi. Aga see meigieemaldamine võtab veidi aega – eriti kui on vaja eemaldada ripsmetušši. Mulle meeldib, et see kahefaasiline meigieemaldaja ei muuda mu silmaümbruse nahka kuivaks. Samas aga silma sattudes ärritab see mu silmi.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates Eveline Cosmetics Facemed+ kahefaasiline silmameigieemaldaja okei toode. See teeb oma töö ära, aga samas ei osta ma seda tõenäoliselt uuesti.