Whether you lost your job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, or have noticed that your savings have dwindled a little, it may be time to get serious about your money. For example, this could mean that you begin sticking to a tighter budget or looking for new ways to supplement your income. For example, you may want to pick up a side-hustle that can help bring in extra money over the coming months.
With that in mind, here are five ways you can bring in extra money during lockdown!

Start A Blog
Blogging is a great way to express yourself, demonstrate your skills and explore your hobbies – whether that means you share recipes, beauty tips or lifestyle advice. It can also be a great way to bring in a little money on the side. However, earning any amount of money through blogging is not easy – it takes a lot of hard work and effort, and you have to be willing to put the time in to grow your following. You also need to be passionate about your writing; otherwise, this will show in the content you produce.

Work As A Delivery Driver
If you love to drive, then you could earn a bit of extra money by working as a delivery driver. For example, you can use sites such as Shiply, to connect with local businesses that need their goods to be delivered and transported. You can look through the website to find the load that’s right for you, focusing on how much you can carry and how far you are willing to travel. This could be a great way to spend some time travelling behind the wheel while earning a little extra cash!
Consider Tutoring
With many schools being forced to close for long periods of time, parents are on the lookout to provide their children with other opportunities to learn and develop. As a result, online tutoring is on the rise and could be a great way to share your knowledge with others, while earning a little extra cash. You can easily set up your own tutoring business online or join an agency.

Take Part In Focus Groups
When companies are about to launch a new product or service, they typically hold a series of focus groups to gain insight into the consumer’s thoughts and feelings. As a result of the pandemic, many of these sessions are now being held online. By signing up to sites such as take part in research, you get paid to voice your opinions and can even get your hands on some free goodies to try out ahead of time.
Work As A Transcriber
Are you computer literate and a quick typer? If the answer is yes, you can earn a lot of money by working as a transcriber on sites such as transcribeme. The work is pretty straightforward; you will be sent a series of audio recordings and will have to accurately and precisely transcribe them. Who knows, you might even learn something new when working!
Celyn says
These are such great ideas! Thank you for sharing – everyone needs all the extra income they can get during these times!
Life is a Shoe
Leelo says
Thanks! yes, extra income right now is necessary for many.