When I think of Nivea brand then the first thing that comes to my mind is that Nivea Classic all purpose cream – you know the one in blue tin. My today’s review is of Nivea Diamond Gloss Care Shampoo and Conditioner. I haven’t used many hair care products from Nivea but their budget-friendly price tag was tempting and so I decided to give these a try.
Nivea brändiga seostub mul esimesena klassikaline sinises topsikeses kreem, mida mu ema alati kasutas kui laps olin. Minu tänane postitus on aga hoopis Nivea juuksehooldustoodetest. Nivea juuksehooldustooteid ma eriti kasutanud ei ole, ent Nivea Diamond Gloss Care šampoon ja palsam mu ostukorvi sattusid oma soodsa hinna tõttu. Loe edasi SIIT
Nivea Diamond Gloss Care products contain rare diamond particles to add shine to dull and lifeless hair. They will provide your hair with smoothness, softness, and shine.
Diamond Gloss Care Shampoo has a nice texture and pleasant scent. The shampoo lathers well and cleanses my hair. After shampooing and rinsing my hair feels okay but I can’t really skip conditioner to detangle my hair. The Diamond Gloss Care Conditioner has good thick texture and it instantly makes my hair softer. Also, my hair is a lot easier to comb after using the conditioner.
These two products make my hair a bit shinier but other than that I would say that these two are quite average. What I don’t like is that when I use both the shampoo and conditioner my hair tends to get greasy faster.
Overall, I think that although Nivea Diamond Gloss Care shampoo and conditioner are quite okay for their budget-friendly price, then I would not buy them again because they don’t work that well for my hair.
Nivea Diamond Gloss Care šampoon & palsam
Diamond Gloss Care tooted sisaldavad teemanditolmu, mis lisavad sära tuhmidele ja elututele juustele. Tooted lisad juustele pehmust, sära ja siledust.
Nivea Diamond Gloss šampoonil on mõnus tekstuur ja meeldiv lõhn. Šampoon vahutab hästi ning teeb mu juuksed kenasti puhtaks. Pärast juuste šampooniist puhtaks loputamist on juuksed üsna okeid (loe: ei tundu katsudes väga takused või pusas), ent samas ilma palsamit kasutamata ka siiski hakkama ei saa. Diamond Gloss Care palsam on meeldivalt paksu konsitentsiga ning see muudab mu juuksed koheselt pehmemaks ning kergemini kammitavaks.
Nivea Diamong Gloss šampooni ja palsamit koos kasutades on juuksed tõesti võibolla veidi säravamad ja läikivamad kui muidu, ent muus osas ma mingeid hüper-super tulemusi pole täheldanud. Mis mulle aga üldse ei meeldi on see, et selle sarja šampooni ja palsamit koos kasutades muutuvad mu juuksed kiiremini rasvaseks ja mustaks.
Kokkuvõttes võib öelda, et kuigi oma soodsa hinna kohta on tegu okei toodetega, siis uuesti ma neid siiski ei ostaks kuna nad ei sobi mu juustele.
Niharika Verma says
OH This is is new. Never seen this range from Nivea in my Country here. Thank you for sharing your views 🙂