*PR Sample
Time for a budget-friendly eyeshadow palette review – Essence the Nude edition eyeshadow palette in 10 Pretty In Nude. This palette is from Essence Cosmetics Spring-Summer 2020 makeup collection. I have already reviewed Essence STAY 8h MATTE Liquid Lipstick in 05 Date Proof and bye bye panda eyes! smudge-proof volumizing & defining mascara from that collection.
Aeg ühe taskukohase hinnaga lauvärvi paleti arvustuseks! Essence the Nude edition lauvärvi palett toonis 10 Pretty In Nude on Essence kevad/suvi 2020 kollektsioonist. Varasemalt olen ma teile tutvustanud samast kollektsioonist Essence STAY 8h MATTE vedelat huulepulka toonis 05 Date Proof ja bye bye panda eyes! ripsmetuši.
Essence the Nude edition eyeshadow palette in 10 Pretty In Nude is promised to contain nine highly pigmented long-lasting shades. From the palette, you’ll find neutral and soft tones and matte and pearly ones.
Essence the Nude edition lauvärvipalett toonis 10 Pretty In Nude sisaldab üheksat tugeva pigmendiga ja kauapüsivat tooni. Paletist leiab nii neutraalseid kui pehmeid toone ja nii matte kui ka sädelevaid toone.
This eyeshadow palette sooooo ME! These kinds of shades are basically the go-to eyeshadow shades for me that I can use for both simple daytime and eye-catching nighttime looks.
The palette features 5 matte shades and 4 pearly ones. Overall I’m pleased with the pigmentation of all shades. As you can see from the swatches below (all swatches on clean and dry skin, without any primer) all shades look good. The pearly shades look especially beautiful in the sunlight.
Essence the Nude edition lauvärvi palett on lihtsalt niiiiiiii minu palett! Kõik paletis olevad toonid on omavahel hästi kombineeritavad nii tagasihoidlikeks päevasteks meikideks kui ka tugevamateks õhtusteks lookideks.
Paletis on 5 matti tooni ning 4 pärljat. Kõik toonid on hästi pigmenteeritud. Nagu allpool olevatel piltidel näha, siis puhtal, kuival nahal ja isegi ilma aluskreemita jäävad toonid kenad.
The powdery texture of the Essence the Nude edition eyeshadow palette eye shadows may cause some fallout during application and therefore I would recommend doing your eye makeup first and then continue with your face. I like that it’s easy to apply and blend these eye shadows. Also, so far these eye shadows have easily lasted 8+ hours when used with a primer.
Overall I’m happy with Essence the Nude edition eyeshadow palette 10 Pretty In Nude. I like the selection of shades and the quality is very good for the 4.49€ price tag.
For more information and ingredients list check out Essence website.
Lauvärvide puuderjas tekstuur võib värvide pealekandmise käigus veidi pudeneda ja seega soovitan teha enne silmameigi ja siis alles kanda meigi ülejäänud näole. Mulle meeldib, et neid lauvärve on kerge peale kanda ja hajutada. Positiivne on ka, et seni pole Essence the Nude edition paleti lauvärvid püsivuse suhtes mind alt vedanud ja neid koos aluskreemiga kasutades püsivad nad 8+ tundi.
Kokkuvõttes olen ma Essence the Nude edition lauvärvi paletiga rahul. Mulle väga meeldib selle paleti toonide valik ning 4,49€ (soovituslik hind) eest on toode kvaliteet super hea.
Makeup look featuring Essence the Nude edition eyeshadow palette in 10 Pretty In Nude
For this makeup look I used …
- … Essence MySkin Perfector Tinted Prier – 20 Nude Beige
- … Essence Cosmetics Cover Stick – 20 Matt Sand
- … Essence Camouflage 2in1 Make-up & Concealer – 10 Ivory Beige
- … Essence All About Matt Fixing Compact Powder
- … Essence I Love Stage eyeshadow primer
- … Essence the Nude Edition eyeshadow palette
- … Essence bye bye panda eyes! smudge-proof volumizing & defining mascara
- … Essence Eyebrow Designer – 04 Blonde
- … Essence the Blush – 10 Befitting
- … shade Major Glow from Essence Choose Your Glow highlighter palette where needed
- … Essence STAY 8h MATTE Liquid Lipstick in shade 05 Date Proof
- … Essence You Better Work Gym-Proof Fixing Spray