Let’s face it – dry shampoos don’t really make your hair clean. They just soak up the excess oil and grease from your hair and give your hair cleaner and fresher appearance. But sometimes it’s good to have an option to skip the regular water and shampoo and just spray some dry shampoo into your hair.
I don’t use dry shampoos very often and that’s why writing my review of Toni&Guy Sky High Volume Dry Shampoo has literally taken forever. I received this, I think, a year ago.
Olgem ausad ega kuivšampoon ju tegelikult juukseid puhtaks ei tee. See lihtsalt imab endasse üleliigse rasu ning annab sellega juustele puhtama ja värskea välimuse. Ent samas on vahel ju hea omada tagavara varianti puhkudeks, kui on vaja et juuksed normaalsed välja näeks, ent samas pole vett ja šampooni võimalik kasutada.
Ma ei kasuta kuivšampoone väga sageli ning seetõttu ongi postitus kirjutamine Toni&Guy Sky High Volume kuivšampoonist veninud nii pikale. Jõudis Toni&Guy kuivšampoon minuni juba ju rohkem kui aasta tagasi ehk siis piinlikult ammu.
Toni&Guy Sky High Volume Dry Shampoo has a dry oil-absorbing formula which is promised to provide an instant root refresh, matte texture and boost volume.
Using the shampoo is easy – I just shake the can and spray it on my hair from root to tip. Then I’ll leave it to set for a few minutes and then comb and style my hair.
First of all – I would recommend using this (and really most dry shampoos) dry shampoo in well ventilated room! What I like about Toni&Guy Sky High Volume Dry Shampoo is that it’s easy to use it and it will not leave any visible residues into my hair. It adds some volume and thickness to my hair and gives it cleaner appearance. The dry shampoo leaves my hair looking matte which I don’t like.
Overall, I can’t say that this is a bad dry shampoo, however, I wasn’t exactly impressed either. Would I buy it again? Maybe!
Toni&Guy Sky High Volume kuivšampoonil on õli siduv koostis, mis peaks aitama värskendada juuksejuuri, lisama volüümi ja tekstuuri.
Kuivšampooni kasutamine on lihtne – lihtsalt raputa pudelit ja pihusta toode juustele. Lasen šampoonil mõned minutid mõjuda ja siis kammin ja sättin juuksed soengusse.
Alustuseks soovitan ma Toni&Guy kuivšampooni kasutada kindlasti ruumis, mida saab tuulutada, sest sprei kasutamise järgselt hõljub seda ümbritsevad õhus minu maitsele natuke liiga palju. Mulle meeldib, et Toni&Guy Sky High Volume kuivšampooni on kerge kasutada ning see ei jäta mu juustesse mingeid kahtalseid jahuseid vms jälgi. See lisab mu juustesse volüümi ja tihedust ning annab juustele puhtama väljanägemise. Kuivšampoon jätab mu juuksed matiks ja sellest ma väga vaimustuses pole.
Kokkuvõttes ei saa ma öelda, et Toni&Guy Sky High Volume kuivšampoon oleks halb, ent samas midagi hüpersuper-eriliselt-head ka nagu ei olnud. Selline täitsa keskmine kuivšampoon. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Võibolla.
Shelbee on the Edge says
Thanks for this review, Leelo. I am not a big fan of dry shampoo either. I finally have trained myself to wash my hair only every third day. I was doing it every other day, but it is getting so long that it is just a huge pain to wash that often. The second day after washing, my hair is still decent, the third day it does start to look a little greasy, but rather than dry shampoo, I usually just wear pigtails and a hat! I do keep dry shampoo on hand though.
Mica says
I haven’t tried this brand of dry shampoo but I don’t use dry shampoo as much now as I did when the kids were younger – was great for those newborn baby days haha! Haven’t had to repurchase for a while as I use it sparingly now.
Hope that your week is going well! It’s a busy one here! 🙂