A few weeks ago I showed you Essence this is me gel nail polishes in shades 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold and 04 crazy. Today I want to share with you swatches and my thoughts of Essence this is me. lipsticks in shades 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold, 04 crazy and 06 real. This is me lipsticks are from Essence Summer 2019 collection. From the line, you can find 20 matching lipstick and nail polish shades.
Mõned nädalad tagasi näitasin teile nelja kena Essence this is me geelküünelakki toonides 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold ja 04 crazy. Tänases postituses tahan teile aga näidata Essence Cosmetics this is me kollektsioonist huulepulki toonides 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold, 04 crazy ja 06 real.
Essence this is me lipsticks are promised to have semi-matte texture that feels feathery and light on the lips. Lipsticks are long-lasting and have high coverage.
Essence this is me huulepulgad on essence.eu lehel oleva info järgi poolmati sulgkerge tekstuuriga. Huulepulgad on kauakestvad ja hea katvusega.
My experience with Essence this is me lipsticks
Essence Cosmetics this is me lipsticks come in a golden tube with plain white cap. All five lipsticks have a pleasant scent and a slightly sweet flavour.
I have to agree that these lipsticks have a high coverage – just a couple of swipes and my lips are covered with beautiful color. I like that this is me collection lipsticks (at least these five) feel light on my lips and they don’t dry out my lips.
Essence Cosmetics this is me kollektsiooni huulepulgad on kuldes tuubis, millel lihtne valge kork. Kõigil viiel huulepulgal, mida mina olen kasutanud, on meeldiv lõhn ning õrnalt magus maitse.
Pean nõusutuma, et nende huulepulkade katvus on tõesti hea – vaid 1-2 tõmmet ja mu huuled on kaetud kauni värviga. Mulle meeldib, et this is me kollektsiooni huulepulgad (või noh vähemalt need viis millest mina täna kirjutan) on mu huultel kerged ning nad ei muuda mu huuli ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
When it comes to the longevity of Essence Cosmetics this me collection lipsticks then I can’t exactly complain. If I don’t eat or drink then they stay on my lips around 4-5 hours. After eating and drinking there’s still some colour left on my lips, however, for the best result, it is better to reapply the lipstick. Reapplying this is me lipsticks is easy and that’s definitely a huge plus.
Overall, my experience with Essence Cosmetics this is me lipsticks in shades 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold, 04 crazy and 06 real has been good. All five lipsticks have a good soft and lightweight texture. They all stay on my lips pretty well and they don’t dry out my lips.
Mis puutub Essence Cosmetics this is me kollektsiooni huulepulkade püsivusse, siis ega ma väga kurta ei saa. Kui ma vahepeal ei söö ega joo, siis püsivad nad minu huultel kenad kuskil 4-5 tundi.Ent pärast söömist-joomist vajab värv kindlasti veidi värksendust. Õnneks vajadusel uue huulepulga kihi peale kandmine keeruline ei ole.
Kokkuvõttes olen mina Essence this is me huulepulkadega toonides 01 freaky, 02 happy, 03 bold, 04 crazy ja 06 real rahul. Kõigil viiel huulepulgal on mõnus kerge tekstuur ning minu huultel püsivad nad tunde. Suureks plussiks minu silmis on nende huulepulkade puhul ka see, et need ei muuda mu huuli päevajooksul ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
Lise says
These colours look great – my kind of colours. I am a fan of Essence lipstick and some of their other products. Lise