I haven’t done any outfit posts for so long. I guess the main reason for that is the fact that at the moment I’m a stay at home mom with a 10-month-old baby. Therefore my everyday outfits are pretty boring – jeans + tees, leggings + tees. But from time to time, when there is a reason to wear something else then, of course I’ll wear a cute dress or something more sophisticated.
One very important event will come this week – my 6-year old son graduates from the kindergarten. I remember him being just a baby and now he is already 6 and in a few months he will be 7 and in September he will start school. The time really flies … Anyway, that will be a great opportunity to skip jeans or leggings and wear a dress instead.
I’m still debating whether to wear a burgundy red H&M dress I showed you back in September or red dress with lace sleeves from Lindex that I purchased a few months ago. And I’m also trying to make up my mind if I should accessorize my outfit with Happiness Boutique layered necklace or floral statement necklace.
These two beautiful necklaces are the newest addition to my jewellery box. The Happiness Boutique layered necklace looks simple but elegant. The five-tiered necklace features different pendants on each tier. This gold layered necklace is versatile because I can wear it with casual outfits or with party dresses.
When it comes to the floral statement necklace then I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it Happiness Boutique site. Although I liked it a lot and I already had like 100+ ideas how to style it with different looks, then I just wasn’t sure if it suits my style. Yes, it looks pretty and feminine but I was scared that maybe it would be too overpowering or too big etc. But once it arrived, I knew I had made the right decision – it looks absolutely gorgeous – even better than on Happiness Boutique site! I just love it!
But what is Happiness Boutique?
Happiness Boutique is a jewelry brand based in Germany. Their jewelry is for fashion-forward modern women. Happiness Boutique style is timeless classic with a charming vintage touch and their aim is not only to make you look good but also make you feel good.
Happiness Boutique rewards program and discount code
Happiness Boutique offers a rewards program where you can earn points and receive free gifts. For example, every € spent will earn you a point. Earn 5 points by uploading your beautiful photos of Happiness Boutique jewelry etc. Btw they also offer FREE SHIPPING!
I also have a discount code to share with you! When you use discount code beautybymissl at the checkout, then you will get 10% discount for orders over 19 euros. The code is valid from May 27th until June 27th.
Have you heard of Happiness Boutique before? Which necklace do you like better – the floral statement necklace of Happiness Boutique layered necklace? Let me know in the comments!
Ma ei ole enam päris tükk aega teinud ühtki outfiti postitust. Eks peamine põhjus selleks ole, et kuna olen kodune 10 kuuse beebiga, siis on mu igapäevased riietused üsna igavad – teksad+t-särk või retuusid+t-särk. Aegajalt on õnneks põhjust ka natuke rohkem pingutada ja kapist välja otsida kenad kleidid jm viisakam riietus.
Sel nädalal ongi mind ja minu peret ees ootamas suurem sündmus, sest Rüblik ehk siis mu 6-aastane lõpetab lasteaia. Alles oli ta pisike tita ja nüüd on juba suur poiss, kes mõne kuu pärast saab 7 ja läheb sügisest kooli. Ja kuna lasteaia lõpp on siiski suur sündmus, siis ongi hea põhjus teksad ja retuusid nurka visata ja mõni kleit jälle kapist välja otsida.
Hetkel kaalun ma kahe kleidi vahel – tumepunase H&M kleidi, mida näitasin teile eelmisel sügisel ja mõned kuud tagasi Lindexist ostetud punase pitsdetailidega kleidi vahel. Lisaks üritan ma otsusele jõuda, kas paremini sobiks mu outfiti juurde Happiness Boutique’st pärist statement kaelakee või hoopis kuldne kihiline kaelakee.
Need kaks kaunist kaelakeed jõudsid minuni mõned nädalad tagasi. Kihiline kaelakee näeb välja hästi lihtne end siiski elegantne. Kaelakee viiel kihil on viis erinevat ripatsit. Kuldne kihiline kaela ehe on üks neist mitmekülgsetest aksessuaaridest, mida saab kanda paljude erinevate riietustega.
Lille detailiga statement kaelakee jäi mulle kohe Happiness Boutique lehel silma. Ent kuigi see mulle väga meeldis ja mul oli 100+ ideed milliste outfitidega seda kanda, siis ma polnud kindel, kas see ikka on minu stiil. Jah see on kena ja naiselik, ent mul oli väike hirm, et äkki on see liiiiga suur või pealetükkiv. Minu meeldivaks üllatuseks osutus see kaelakee kohale jõudes veel kaunimaks, kui piltidel.
Aga mis koht see Happiness Boutique üldse on? Tegu on Berliinis asuva ehte brändiga, kelle tooted on suunatud moeteadlikule moodsale naisele. Happiness Boutique ehted on ajatus klassikalises stiilis, milles on tunda veidi võluvat vintage’t. Nende eesmärgiks on mitte ainult teha nende ehete kandjat kauniks vaid ka enesekindlaks.
Happiness Boutiqe sooduskood
Happiness Boutique’l on kliendiprogramm, mille käigus on võimalik koguda punkte ja saada kingitusi. Näiteks saab punkti iga kulutatud € pealt, 5 punkti postitatud foto eest jms. Rohkem infot kliendiprogrammi kohta saad lugeda happinessboutique.com lehelt.
Lisaks on Happiness Boutiqe’l kingitus kõigile minu blogi lugejatele. Nimelt kasutades koodi beautybymissl saate vähemalt 19€ tellimuselt alla 10% ning lisaks on saatmine täitsa TASUTA! 10% sooduskood kehtib kuni 27.juunini 2019!
Kumb kaelakee Sulle rohkem meeldib? Anna teada kommentaarides!
Kimberly Malkiewicz says
I vote for the layered gold necklace. The statement necklace is so nice and bold, I’m sure there will be lots of opportunities to wear it!
Leelo says
Yes, there will be more events where I can wear it.
Michael says
Nice accessories. Thinking of buying one for my mother on her 60th.
Ivan Jose says
Bold and stylish. You have fine taste when it comes to jewelry.
Leelo says
Nancy says
I like that statement necklace a lot! Very stylish.
Emma Peach says
I love both necklaces. I think I prefer the layered necklace with the red dress and the floral necklace with the burgundy dress. I have a bold floral necklace from Happiness Boutique which I haven’t worn for ages…I think it’s about time I gave it another outing! Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Nora Minassian says
I love the layered delicate necklace looks that are hot right now. That’s what I have been wearing a lot of.