Last week I shared my thoughts on HOLIKA HOLIKA 99% Aloe Soothing Gel with you. Today, I have another HOLIKA HOLIKA product to show you – HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint in Jackpot Orange. I didn’t really know what to think of this HOLIKA HOLIKA lip product at first because it just seemed kind of weird but after I started using it, it actually pleasantly surprised me.
Eelmisel nädalal tutvustasin teile ühte minu eelmise suve lemmiktoodet – HOLIKA HOLIKA universaalset niisutavat geeli Aloe 99% Soothing Gel. Täna on mul teile veel üks HOLIKA HOLIKA toode – HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint huulevärv toonis Jackpot Orange. Ega ma sellest huulevärvist midagi alguses väga arvata ei osanud – tundus teine selline kuidagi kummaline, aga kasutamise käigus üllatas see mind meeldivalt.
HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint is a very interesting product. At first, I thought that it’s a lip gloss or something like that but it’s actually a water gel. The lip tint has a nice sweet scent and it also has this kind of weird sweet taste that I’m not very fond of. The lip tint comes with precise doe foot applicator.
HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint huulevärv on väga huvitav toode. Eeldasin alguses, et tegu on huuleläike taolise asjaga, aga tegelikult on tegu hoopis geeliga. Huulevärvil on meeldiv magus lõhn ning üsna kummaline magus maitse, millest ma väga vaimustuses ei ole. All Night Tint huulevärvil on kaldusotsaga täpne aplikaator.
In the tube, HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint in Jackpot Orange looks red. However, once applied onto lips, it turns orange. For the best result, I prefer applying two coats of lip tint. In one coat it looks a bit patchy, however, after the second coat the result looks even and bright.
The texture of Lazy & Joy All Night Tint reminds me of gel. And once applied to lips, I can’t even feel it on my lips which is nice. The orange color stays on my lips for hours and it even survives a lunch and a cup of coffee. I would prefer if it didn’t leave lips marks on my coffee mug but oh well, that’s not really that big problem. I like that the lip tint doesn’t dry out my lips.
All Night Tint huulevärv toonis Jackpot Orange tundub tuubis punane mis punane, aga huultele kandes on tegu siiski oranži tooniga. Parima tulemuse jaoks eelistan huultele kanda kaks kihti värvi. Üks kiht kipub jääma kohati laiguliseks, ent kaks kihti annab kena kirka ja ühtlase tulemuse.
Huulevärvi tekstuur meenutab geeli. Huultel jääb see nii kerge, et ma isegi ei tunne, et huuled oleksid värvitud. Oranž toon püsib mu huultel tunde ning isegi pärast lõunasööki ning kohvi on värv mingil määral huultel alles. Mulle muidugi meeldiks kui huulevärv ei jätaks jälgi mu kohvitassile, ent õnneks pole see samas nii suur probleem. Mulle meeldib, et see huulevärv ei muuda mu huuli ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
Overall, I think that HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint is a good product. I’m not loving its weird taste but I like the weightless color on my lips that I can’t even feel. Would I buy it again? Not the shade Jackpot Orange but I would consider some other shades.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates HOLIKA HOLIKA Lazy & Joy All Night Tint huulevärv hea toode. Ma ei ole küll eriti vaimustuses selle kummalisest magusast maitsest, ent mulle meeldib selle kergus ning värv. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Kindlasti mitte seda tooni, ent mõne teise tooni ostmist kaaluksin küll.
Shannon says
That is such a fun colour! It is really bold and has a nice level of pigmentation.
Leelo says
Yes, the pigmentantion is very good. I didn’t expect it to be that pigmented.