I like Dove shower gels. My today’s post is of two Dove shower gels – Dove Purely Pampering coconut milk & jasmine petals shower gel and Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual shower gel with lavender oil & rosemary extract. So far I have loved the scent of Dove skin care products, however, when it comes to these two, then I absolutely love the fragrance of one of them and I’m not very fond of the scent of the other one.
Üldiselt olen ma Dove dušigeelidega väga rahul. Tänases postituses jagan teiega enda muljeid kahest Dove dušigeelist: Dove Purely Pampering toitvast dušigeelist kookospiima ja jasmiiniõitega ning Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual dušigeelist lavendliõli ja rosmariini ekstraktiga. Senini on mulle Dove nahahooldustoodete lõhn väga meeldinud, ent nende kahe dušigeeli puhul on lood sellised on ühe toote lõhna ma jumaldan ning teine ei meeldi mulle kohe üldse.
Dove Purely Pampering coconut milk & jasmine petals shower gel
Dove Purely Pampering coconut milk & jasmine petals shower gel smells divine! I absolutely love its scent, however, for some, it might be a bit too overwhelming. The shower gel lathers nicely and cleanses my skin without making it unpleasantly dry. It leaves my skin soft and smooth. I like that I can use it daily without the need to worry that my skin ends up too dry.
Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual shower gel with lavender oil & rosemary extract
When it comes to Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual shower gel with lavender oil & rosemary extract, then I’m just not loving its scent. Maybe, if the scent was milder, then I would like it more, but right now I’m just not loving the strong scent.
The shower gel itself is nice. It lathers nicely and cleanses my skin. I like that, just as all other Dove shower gels that I have used, it doesn’t dry out my skin.
Dove Purely Pampering toitev dušigeel kookospiima ja jasmiiniõitega
Dove Purely Pampering toitev dušigeel kookospiima ja jasmiiniõitega lõhnab imeliselt! Ma täiesti tõsiselt jumaldan selle lõhna, ent hoiatan kohe ette, et mõne jaoks võib selle dušigeeli aroom olla natukene liiga tugev. Dušigeel vahutab mõnusalt ning teeb mu naha puhtaks ilma seda liigselt kuivatamata. Pärast duši alt tulekut on nahk meeldivalt pehme ja sile. Mulle meeldib, et saan Dove Purely Pampering toitvat dušigeeli kookospiima ja jasmiiniõitega kasutada igapäevaselt ilma, et peaksin muretsema, et mu nahk liig kuivaks muutub.
Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual dušigeel lavendliõli ja rosmariini ekstraktiga
Dove Nourishing Secrets Relaxing Ritual lavendliõli ja rosmariini ekstraktiga dušigeeli lõhn mulle ei meeldi. Minu jaoks on see liiga tugev ja pealetükkiv. Võibolla kui selle aroom oleks leebem oleks ka mu arvamus dušigeelist parem.
Dušigeel ise on okei. See vahutab normaalselt ning teeb naha puhtaks. Nii nagu kõik teisedki Dove dušigeelid mida seni olen kasutanud, ei muuda see mu nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks.