Hi, beauties! This year’s first review is of Mossa Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser in Soft Beige. Mossa is not a new brand for me – I have previously used and reviewed Mossa Micellar Water and Mossa Youth Defence Moisturising Antioxidant Day Cream. Both of these Mossa beauty products worked well for me and I absolutely loved the Micellar Water.
If you are not familiar with Mossa, then it’s an organic cosmetic brand developed in Latvia. Mossa skincare products are based on the vitamin formula of the unique organic Nordic berries. Although all this makes Mossa sound like another expensive skincare brand, then actually it’s budget-friendly and meant for people who prefer organic skincare products, but don’t want to spend too much money on their beauty products.
Selle aasta kõige esimene ilutoote arvustus on Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistavast ja toonivast BB kreemist. Minu jaoks ei ole Mossa uus bränd. Varasemalt olen ma kasutanud ja ka siin blogis kirjutanud Mossa mitsellaarveest ja Youth Defense niisutavast päevakreemist. Mõlemad tooted sobisid mulle hästi ning minu eriline lemmik oli Mossa mitsellaarvesi.
Mossa on ökoloogilise kosmeetika bränd, mis loodud Lätis. Kõik Mossa tooted põhinevad unikaalsetel ja ökoloogilistel vitamiinirikastel põhjamaist päritolu marjadel. Mossa nime järgi võiks eeldada, et tegu on järjekordse kallimapoolse ökoloogiliste nahahooldustoodete brändiga, ent tegelikult on Mossa tooted just taskukohasemate hindadega. Mossa on mõeldud neile, kes sooviksid kasutada puhtaid tooteid, ent samas ei soovi või ei saa toodete eest välja käia liiga suuri rahasummasid.
Mossa Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser is promised to …
- instantly mattify and blur the appearance of lines, wrinkles and pores
- provide healthy glow and sheer coverage
- improve hydration and smooth the skin texture thanks to Hyaluronic acid
- nourish and protect the skin thanks to shea butter and natural oils
- regenerate and soothe the skin thanks to Nordic Plum Oil
Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem …
- matistab koheselt ning varjab peened jooned, poorid ja kortsud
- annab tervisliku jume ja kerge katvuse
- niisutab ja silub naha tesktuuri tänu hüaluroonhappele
- niisutab ja toidab nahka tänu looduslikele õlidele ja shea-võile
- taastab ja rahustab nahka tänu põhjamasele ploomiõlile
Mossa Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser comes in a bottle with a convenient pump. The cream looks a bit dark, however, once applied on to the skin it looks lighter. The BB cream has a rather strong scent which might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser is lightweight and so when I first used it I didn’t have much belief in its moisturising, nourishing etc properties.
I like that it sinks in fast and really leaves my skin matte – just as promised. It offers very light coverage, so if you have a lot of imperfections to hide then this BB cream isn’t for you. Although, it is promised to hide the appearance of lines, wrinkles and pores, then, in my opinion, it doesn’t really hide much (or maybe I just have bigger issues with fine lines then I have thought so far?)
Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem on mugavas pumbaga pakendis. Minu kui heledanahalise jaoks tundus alguses see kreem kahtlaselt tumeda tooniga, ent õnneks nahale kandes jääb tulemus kena. Hoiatan kohe, et kreemil on üsna tugev lõhn, nii et kui tugeva aroomiga ilutooted teile ei meeldi, siis ei pruugi ka see teile meeldida. Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem on hästi mõnusalt kerge konsistentsiga ja seega ega mul seda esmakordselt kasutades, selle paljulubatud niisutavatesse, toitvatesse jms omadustesse mul palju usku ei olnud.
Mulle meeldib, et Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem imendub kiiresti ning see jätab tõesti naha matiks – täpselt nagu lubatud. Kreem pakub üsna kerget katvust ja seega kui on palju peitmistvajavaid iluvigu, siis Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistavast ja toonivast BB kreemist kasu pole. Kuigi lubaduste kohaselt peaks see BB kreem ka varjama peened jooned, poorid ja kortsud, siis minu arvates, see seda siiski ei suuda (või on minu kortsukesed lihtsalt liigi hullud?)
Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser gives my skin a healthier appearance and keeps it moisturised all day. I love using it on its own on cleansed skin with some powder. I have also tried it over some other serums and creams. It works fine with some, however, with some, it starts to slide off of my skin.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with Mossa Skin Perfector BB Nude Tinting Moisturiser. It keeps my skin moisturised all day and gives my skin a healthy appearance.
Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem annab mu nahale kena ühtlasema ja tervema jume ning hoiab mu naha kenasti niisutatuna terve päeva. Mulle meeldib seda igapäevaselt kasutada koos puudriga. Olen seda katsetanud ka teiste niisutavate toodete (seerum, kreem) peale. Mõnedega sobib Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistav ja tooniv BB kreem hästi, aga samas teiste puhul hakkab see nahalt lihtsalt maha kooruma.
Kokkuvõttes olen ma Mossa Skin Perfector Nude Tinting Moisturiser matistava ja tooniva BB kreemiga üsna rahul. See hoiab mu naha kenasti niisutatuna. Lisaks annab ta mu nahale ühtlasema välimuse.
Lisa Hill says
I’m so glad to find this article. Nature of my skin is dry and this product can be best for me. I will definitely give it a try. Thanks for sharing.