2018 is ending and so it’s time for roundups. My today’s roundup is of the 10 most popular posts of 2018 that I published this year here on my blog.
- My this year’s most popular post is of a custom-made formal maternity maxi dress from JJ’s House. This royal blue maxi dress looked absolutely gorgeous and although it came from China then everything about it was just perfect!
- The second most popular post from this year is about my experience with EshopWedrop. What is EshopWedrop? EshopWedrop lets me purchase products from online retailers in Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Lithuania, UK and USA. Or any online shop from all over the world which makes deliveries to one of the EshopWedrop shopping addresses in the USA, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Lithuania and the UK. Thanks to EshopWedrop I can shop from any online website no matter if it delivers to my country or not.
- On the third place, we have another maternity dress and outfit post. This time it was a gorgeous red Mamalicious lace dress (purchased by me).
- And another maternity outfit post – but this time a very simple one.
- From the 5th place, we find first beauty post – my post of some very good skin care goodies that I received from Beauty Bridge. In this post, I reviewed Bliss Multi-‘face’-ted All-in-One Anti-Aging Clay Mask, Bliss Triple Oxygen Ex-‘glow’-sion! Vitabead-Infused Moisture Cream and theBalm Foiled Again Foil Eyeshadow palette.
- Thanks to Estonian Beauty Bloggers meetup goodie bag I had an opportunity to compare three mascaras from Avon Mark Big & … mascaras collection. I just loved testing Avon Mark Big & Daring mascara, Big & False Lash mascara and Big & Multiplied mascara and reviewing them.
- And here comes more Avon reviews 😀 On the 7th place we have Avon Mark Contour Duo review. Although the duo looked promising then, unfortunately, I had issues with it and so I wasn’t that fond of it 🙁
- My post of Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealers in shades Fair and Medium earned 8th place. Budget-friendly Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealers are quite good, although I can’t use them under my eyes because they crease 🙁
- My review of Pixi By Petra LipLift Max Glossy Lip Plumper is on the 9th place.
- And the last post featured in my 10 most popular posts of 2018 post is of Belle Azul Dual Facial Cleanser and Belle Azul 360° Mask Collection. If you like cruelty free beauty products then Belle Azul skincare products are definitely worth checking out 😉
So these were my 10 most popular posts of 2018. I hope you enjoyed all these posts and I can’t wait to read your thoughts on these posts!
Beauty by Miss L 2018. aasta kõige populaarsemad postitused
- Selle aasta enim loetud postituseks sai postitus kaunist pidulikust rasedakleidist JJ’S House lehelt. Kuigi kleit tuli Hiinast, siis minu suureks (ja meeldivaks üllatuseks) oli selle kvaliteet suurepärane ja kleit ise nägi välja imekaunis 🙂
- Teise koha postitus on EshopWedrop teenusest. Muide EshopWedrop’ga olen ma endiselt rahul. Juunis sai selle kaudu tellitud Amazon.de’st Phil & Teds Smart jalutuskäru beebile, Dare2b’st talvejope R’le ning Ebay.de’st Tula FTG kõhukott. Kõik tooted jõudsid kenasti kohale. Kahest esimesest kohast oleks saanud tellida ka otse Eestisse, aga pärast arvutusi EshopWedrop lehel oli mõtekam postikuludelt kokkuhoidmiseks hoopis siis EshopWedropi kaudu tellida, kuigi jah otse tellides oleks asjad kiiremini kätte saanud (ent samas rohkem maksnud).
- Kolmanda koha postitud on jällegi outfiti postitus ja seekord siis kaunist punasest Mamalicious pitskleidist.
- Neljandal kohal on minu jaoks üllatuslikult väga lihtne ja igapäevane outfiti postitus nendest aegadest kui ma veel ringi veeresin (loe: veel rase olin) 😀
- Viiendal kohal on esimene ilutoodete teemaline postitus. Selles postituses muljetasin Beauty Bridge’st tellitud Bliss Multi-‘face’-ted All-in-One Anti-Aging savimaskist, Bliss Triple Oxygen Ex-‘glow’-sion! Vitabead-Infused niisutavast kreemist ja theBalm Foiled Again Foil lauvärvipaletist.
- Tänu Ilublogijate kokkutulekule oli mul suurepärane võimalus teha võrdlev postitus kolmest Avon Mark Big & … sarja ripsmetušist. Selles postituses võrdlesin Avon Mark Big & Daring ripsmekat, Big & False Lash ripsmekat ja Big & Multiplied ripsmekat.
- Ja veel Avoni toodete arvustusi 🙂 Seitsmendal kohal mu selle aastaste enim loetud postituste topis on postitus Avon Mark kontuurimisduost. Kuigi esmapilgul tundus tegu paljulubava tootega, siis kahjuks pidin selles pettuma 🙁
- Kaheksandalt kohalt leiab veel ühe Avoni toote arvustuse – Avon Full Cover Cream peitekreemidest toonis Fair & Medium. Tegu on üsna heade taskukohase hinnaga toodetega, ent … lähemalt loe juba postitusest 😉
- Pixi By Petra LipLift Max Glossy huuleläike postitus saavutas üheksanda koha.
- Postituste Top 10 viimasel, kümnendal kohal on postitus Belle Azul Dual näopuhastusgeelist ja Belle Azul 360° näomaskide kollektsioonist. Kui eelistate julmusevabu ilutooteid (ehk siis tooteid mida pole testitud loomadel), siis soovitan kindlasti lähemalt tutvuda Belle Azul toodetega.
Need siis oli minu sel aastal blogisse jõudnud postitusest kümme enim külastatud postitust. Milline minu selle aastane postitus Sulle enim meeldis? Anna märku kommentaarides!