Whether you go to the beach every weekend or only have time to get there once or twice a year, if you don’t own a Tesalate sand-resistant beach towel, then you’re missing out on one of the best sand free beach towels on the market.
This fantastic towel promises to leave sand at the beach with its innovative design. Tesalate aims to make your time at the beach much more enjoyable and easier to manage. If you are anything like I am, then you find yourself lugging around a heavy, sand-caked beach towel at the end of your day at the beach.
How much sand do you think you collect and bring home with you? It is aggravating to get home and feel the grit of sand as it rubs between your toes. It is even more frustrating to continue cleaning it days after you’ve returned home. Tesalate wants to remedy that problem.
Tesalate doesn’t sacrifice functionality for design, offering its customers a wide array of bold designs from which to choose. The company is of the belief that you can have both a high performing sand-resistant beach towel that you’ll want to take with you to the beach.
The primary factor of the Tesalate sand-resistant beach towel is that it doesn’t trap and hold the sand like other towels. Whether it is dry or wet, a quick flick gets rid of any sand, causing it to easily slip off the towel. But there’s sand on your body as well, right? The Tesalate towel does a great job of removing sand from you, too, even if you’re wet.
The sand-resistant towels are light and compact, which makes them easy to carry around. Usually, your beach bag is consumed with towels. They’re heavy and bulky and somewhat of a pain to carry. Tesalate’s towels are lighter than other beach towels, even when they’re wet.
Tesalate sand-resistant beach towels are also quick drying. These towels are specifically designed to dry in half the time as regular towels. With these sand-resistant beach towels, you don’t have to wait half the day to use it again.
Additionally, these towels are very absorbent. Whether you’re drying off only yourself, of your entire family, you’ll be satisfied with your experience. The Tesalate sand-resistant beach towel is so absorbent that you’ll discover you only need to use half the number of towels as you would normally need. It will quickly soak up nearly a liter of liquid, so you don’t have to worry about how wet you are.
Going to be beach means you’re going to encounter sand. It’s just a small price to pay for a day in the sun enjoying the beauty of the ocean. While the sand it a minor annoyance, it’s hardly a reason not to take a day and head to the beach.
With its lightweight and absorbent design, Tesalate offers a sand-resistant towel you can take with you when it’s time to head to the beach. Not only will you need half the number of towels, but you’ll also find that you’re leaving the sand at the beach instead of taking it home with you.