Back in September I was contacted and offered an opportunity to test Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush for 4 weeks. Since we have been thinking about purchasing a new electric toothbrush then this was for me a perfect opportunity to find out if ProtectiveClean 5100 would be something for me. If you follow me on Instagram then you have already seen this toothbrush on my Instagram account.
Septembris sain ma võimaluse proovida 4 nädalat Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 elektrilist hambaharja. Kuna oleme niikuinii abikaasaga arutanud, et meie vana elektriline hambahari oleks vaja välja vahetada, siis oli see testimine minu jaoks suurepärane võimalus teada saada, kas ma enda raha ProtectiveClean 5100 hambaharjale kulutada tahaks. Muide, kui jälgid mind Instagramis, siis oled tõenäoliselt juba hambaharja teemalisi postitusi ka näinud 🙂
Why Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100?
So why give Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush a try? Well, this toothbrush has many benefits, such as …
- It improves gum health by up to 100%
- It allows you to choose between three modes. Clean mode for superior cleaning. White for removing surface stains. Gum Care adds an extra minute of reduced-power brushing, so you can gently massage your gums.
- It’s safe and gentle for sensitive areas, orthodontics and dental work.
- The high-speed vibrations in the toothbrush handle power up to 62,000 brush movements per minute that whip up the toothpaste into gentle cleaning bubbles, driving them deep between your teeth and along the gum line for exceptional cleaning.
- It lets you know when you are pressing too hard.
- It reminds you when it’s time to replace the brush head.
- The QuadPacer lets you know when you have spent just the right amount of time cleaning each part of your mouth and the Smartimer lets you know when you have brushed for the recommended two minutes.
- You’ll get two weeks of regular use from a single full charge.
- Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush comes with a premium travel case
Miks valida Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 elektriline hambahari?
- See aitab parandada igemete tervist kuni 100% võrreldes tavalise hambaharjaga.
- Saad valida kolme erineva režiimi vahel: Clean – standardrežiim hammaste puhastamiseks. White – hamba pinnalt plekkide eemaldamiseks. Gum Care – hambaid harjatakse üks minut väiksema võimsusega, et saaksid igemeid õrnalt masseerida.
- See on piisavalt ohutu ja õrn ka ortodontilise ravi ja hambaravi korral kasutamiseks.
- Hambaharja kiire vibreerimine kiirusel kuni 62 000 harjaliigutust minutis muudab hambapasta kattu lõhustavaks vahuks, suunates pehmed vahumullid ülima puhtuse tagamiseks sügavale hammaste vahele ja igemepiirile.
- Hambahari annab märku kui pesemise käigus liig tugevalt harjale vajutate.
- QuadPacer annab märku kui olete piisavalt kaua puhastanud igat suu piirkonda. Nutikas taimer aga annab teada kui olete hambaid harjanud soovitatavad kaks minutit.
- Ühe täieliku laadimiskorraga saab hambaharja tavapäraselt kasutada kaks nädalat.
- Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 elektriline hambahari tuleb koos mugava ja käepärase reisivutlariga.
What’s in the box?
My Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush arrived in a box that contained everything you need to start using it. There was Sonicare toothbrush handle, charger, travel case, two G2 Optimal Gum Care brush heads, and user manual.
Mis on karbis?
Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 hambahari saabus karbis, kus sees kõik mida vaja, et harja kasutama hakata. Karbis oli Sonicare hambaharja käepide, laadimisalus, 2 G2 Optimal Gum Care hambaharjapead, reisivutlar ja kasutusjuhend.
My review of Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush
Well, let’s be honest Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush looks simple. I chose pink toothbrush but it’s also available in black, white mint, light blue.
This is my third electric toothbrush and therefore I can compare it with the other two I have used. My previous electric toothbrushes only had one mode – clean and that’s it. But with this one you can actually choose between three different modes – clean, white and gum care. I mostly used clean but I also tested white and gum care. I like that clean mode is very effective and it made my teeth so clean. Like, even the next morning my teeth still felt clean! Amazing!
QuadPacer and Smartimer are just so useful. I like that QuadPacer lets me know when it’s time to start brushing next part of my mouth and Smartimer switches the toothbrush off after the recommended two minutes.
When I used Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush for the very first time then I absolutely hated the sound it makes because it reminded me of a dental drill. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not scared of dental drills, but let’s face it – the sound they make isn’t that pleasant. If I hadn’t promised to test this toothbrush for 4 weeks then I would have never ever tried it again because I hated the sound (listen to it in the Instagram video below). But after using it a couple of times I actually got used to the sound it didn’t bother me any more. And now I actually hate the sound my old toothbrush makes 😀
Although I wasn’t exactly loving the travel case at first then it’s actually very good and great for travelling. It holds the toothbrush handle and two brush heads.
You can order Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 electric toothbrush from Walmart and
Minu kogemus Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 elektrilise hambaharjaga
Alustame siis Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 elektrilise hambaharja välimusest, mis on kena ja lihtne. Mina valisin testimiseks roosa hambaharja aga saadaval on ka ülišiki välimusega must. Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 hambahari on kolmas elektriline hambahari, mida olen kasutanud ning seega oli mul hea seda võrrelda. Eelnevalt kasutusel olnud elektriliste hambaharjadega võrreldes on Philipsi oma tunduvalt fäänsim, sest valida saab lausa kolme erineva režiimi vahel ja lisaks annab hambahari ise märku kui on käes aeg hambaharja otsik uue vastu välja vahetada.
Mis puutub hambaharja erinevatesse režiimidesse, siis ära katsetasin ma kõik kolm, aga enim kasutasin siiski Clean’i. Clean tegi mu hambad tõeliselt puhtaks ja seda kuidagi eriti kiirelt ja efektiivselt (vähemalt selline tunne mul igakord jäi). Minu jaoks üllatav oli, et mu hambad olid isegi veel järgmisel hommikul keelega katsudes puhtad.
QuadPacer ja Smartimer muudavad ProtectiveClean 5100 hambaharja kasutamise väga mugavaks. QuadPacer annab märku kui on aeg hakata puhastama järgmist suu piirkonda ning Smartimer lülitab hambaharja välja kui hambaarstide poolt soovitatud 2 minutit harjamist läbi saab. Väga mugav!
Kui ma Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 eletrilist hambaharja esimest korda kasutasin, siis ma sellest kahjuks väga vaimustuses ei olnud, sest selle heli meenutas mulle hambapuuri häält. Ärge saage valesti aru – mul ei ole midagi hambaarstide ja hambapuuride vastu, aga no see heli ei istunud mulle kohe üldse. Kui ma poleks lubanud seda hambaharja 4 nädalat testida, siis ausaltöeldes ma seda järgmisel päeval enam uuesti kasutanud ei oleks. Aga pärast paari-kolme päeva harjusin ma hambaharja heliga ära ja enam see mind ei häirinud. Ja nüüd häirib mind hoopis minu vana hambaharja plärisev heli 😀
Reisivutlarist ma esialgu otseselt vaimustuses polnud, sest see tundus kuidagi niiii plastik, ent tegelikult on tegu täitsa asjaliku asjaga. Reisivutlariga saab mugavalt kaasa võta hambaharja käepideme ja 2 hambaharja pead.
Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 eletrilist hambaharja saab osta Euronics‘st.
Nicole says
This is a great review! I have been wanting to look into getting a new toothbrush. I’ll have to look into this one and maybe giving it a try. Thanks for sharing!
Cindy Gordon says
This sounds like one heck of a toothbrush. I need to update mine and this sounds like it would be perfect!
Candy Rachelle says
I’ve always been a manual toothbrush lover since I’ve started brushing my teeth. My fiance has been using the electric for years and finally convinced me to give it a try. I have 4 electric toothbrushes and rarely use them. Hard to break the manual habit.
Candy Rachelle
Keeping Up With Candy