As soon as I saw Elodie Details Valleys of Himalaya collection pics on Elodie Details Instagram account, I fell in love! I especially loved the Everest Feathers Footmuff and Pearl Velvet Blanket and so I just had to order these for my little baby R 🙂 Although they took almost two weeks to arrive, then they are finally here and so I’m going to share some photos (ok, many closeups actually 😛 ) of these with you.
Elodie Details uusim kollektsioon Valleys of Himalaya jäi mulle silma kohe silma kui ma esimesi pilte kollektsioonist Elodie Detailsi Instagrami kontol nägin. Eriti meeldis mulle Everest Feathers soojakott ja tekk. Mõlemal tootel on selline mõnus põhjamaine värvikombo ning seega saigi need tellitud väikesele beebi R’le. Paki saabumine võttis küll oodatust kauem, ligi kaks nädalat aega, aga nüüd on soojakott ja tekk siin ning vähemalt hetkel olen oma ostuga igati rahul.
Elodie Details Everest Feathers Footmuff
Elodie Details Everest Feathers footmuff looks so cool! It looks cozy and warm and I hope it will keep little baby R warm. The truth is I haven’t tested it with my Hartan Topline S or Phil&Teds Smart stroller but since it has universal design then I hope it will fit. I will let you know once I have tested it with the strollers I currently own 🙂
Elodie Details soojakott Everest Feathers näeb selline hästi lahe välja! Soojakott tundub mõnus ja soe ja ma loodan, et see hoiab siis beebi R’i kenasti soojas külma ilmaga. Ma küll ei ole jõudnud veel katsetada kas see soojakott meie Hartan Topline S ja Phil&Teds Smart kärudele sobib, aga kuna sel on universaalne disain, siis ma loodan, et ta sobib. Eks ma annan teile siinsamas postituses teada kui mul vastus käes on 🙂
The footmuff comes in a branded dust bag 🙂
Soojakott on Elodie Details logoga hoiukotis 🙂
Elodie Details Pearl Velvet Blanket Everest Feathers
Elodie Details Pearl Velvet Blanket – Everest Feathers has a lovely colour combination that instantly caught my eye. The blanket has nice size (75 x 100 cm). The blanket is made of 100% polyester and you can wash it in washing machine. The material feels incredibly soft and I hope it will keep my little one warm.
Elodie Details Pearl Velvet tekk Everest Feathers tuleb kenas värvikombinatisoonis, mis kohe mu pilku püüdis. Tekil on mõnus suurus (75x100cm). Teki materjal on 100% polüester ning seda saab masinas pesta 40C° juures. Elodie Details Pearl Velvet tekk tundub katsudes imeliselt pehme ja mõnus ning ma loodan, et see hoiab jahedamal päeval mu pisikese soojas.