I have fine and flat hair and therefore I prefer volume shampoos to add some volume to my hair. I have been using Toni&Guy Volume Addiction shampoo and conditioner for fine hair for 1.5 months. These two are promised to boost volume and add body with a weightless finish.
Minu juuksed on õhemapoolsed ja peadligi ning seega eelistan ma kasutada kohevust lisavaid šampoone ja palsameid. Poolteist kuud tagasi hakkasin kasutama Toni&Guy volüümi andvat šampooni ja palsamit õhukestele juustele. Need kaks toodet peaksid muutma juuksed kohevamaks ja samas juukseid raskeks muutmata.
Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo for fine hair
Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo for fine hair comes in a 250ml bottle. The shampoo is pearly white and it has a pleasant smell. I like that the shampoo lathers nicely and makes my hair clean without making my hair dry and unpleasant to touch. After rinsing, my hair feels surprisingly soft, but of course, I can’t skip the conditioner.
Toni & Guy Volume Addiction šampoon õhukestele juustele on 250ml pudelis. Šampoon on pärlja valge värvusega ning sel on üsna meeldiv lõhn. Mulle meeldib, et šampoon vahutab kenasti ja teeb mu juuksed puhtaks. Samas aga ei muuda see mu juukseid takuseks. Pärast loputamist on mu juuksed üllatavalt pehmed ja mõnusad, ent palsami kasutamisest ma siiski ei pääse.
Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Conditioner for fine hair
Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Conditioner for fine hair also comes in a 250ml bottle. The conditioner is white and smells pretty similar to the shampoo. Although this conditioner feels lightweight, then it works well for my blonde colour-treated hair. It makes my hair soft and smooth and easy to comb.
Toni & Guy Volume Addiction palsam õhukestele juustele on samuti 250ml pudelis. Palsam on valge värvusega ja selle lõhn on üsna sarnane šampooni lõhnale. Kuigi palsam on kerge tekstuuriga, siis minu blondidele värvitud juustele sobib see hästi. Tony&Guy palsam teeb mu juuksed meeldivalt pehmeks ja kergemini kammitavaks.
My overall thoughts on Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo & Conditioner for fine hair
Well, my overall experience with Toni&Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo and Conditioner for fine hair has been good. These two work well together and they suit my fine flat hair. I usually let my hair dry naturally, unfortunately, that won’t work with some volume shampoos and conditioners. I’m happy to say that it works with Toni & Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo and Conditioner. Of course for the best result I have to use a blow dryer, but even if I skip it my hair still looks voluminous.
I like that this set keeps my hair clean longer and so I only have to wash my hair twice a week – Yay!
Overall, I like Toni & Guy Volume Addiction Shampoo and Conditioner for fine hair a lot and I might purchase it again in the future.
You can order Tony & Guy Volume Addiction from Amazon
Minu arvamus Toni & Guy Volume Addiction šampoonist ja palsamist õhukestele juustele
Kokkuvõttes olen ma Tony & Guy Volume Addiction šampooni ja palsamiga õhukestele juustele igati rahul. Need kaks toodet sobivad minu peadligi hoidvatele blondidele värvitud juustele hästi. Üldiselt lasen ma juustel loomulikult õhu käes kuivada ja seega osade volüümi andvate šampoonide-palsamite puhul erilist kohevust juustesse nii moodi ei jää. Õnneks Tony & Guy Volume Addiction komplekti puhul seda probleemi pole. Kõige parema (loe:kohevama) tulemuse saab loomulikult juukseid fööniga kuivatades, ent ka lihtsalt õhu käes kuivades on tulemus täitsa hea.
Väga meeldiv üllatus minu jaoks oli ka see, et mu juuksed püsivad Volume Addiction šampooni ja palsamit kasutades kauem puhtad ja seega piisab kui 2x nädalas pead pesen 🙂
Shannon says
I’ve heard a lot of really great things about this brand but have never tried them. Thanks for this!