For everyday use, I prefer lip glosses or lip balms. My today’s post is of Essence Colour Up! Shine On! lipstick in shade 10 Rosey Glitz that actually reminds me more of a tinted lip balm than a lipstick.
Igapäevaselt eelistan ma kasutada kas huuleläikeid või huulepalsameid. Minu tänane postitus on Essence Colour Up! huulepulgast toonis 10 Rosey Glitz. See huulepulk meenutab mulle rohkem toonitud huulepalsamit kui klassikalist huulepulka.
Essence Colour Up! Shine On! lipsticks a have soft texture that can be intensified with each application. This lets you achieve subtle or bold look – just as you desire.
Essence Colour Up! Shine On! huulepulkadel on pehme tekstuur, millega saab saavutada täpselt nii tagasihoidliku või julge tulemuse kui soovite. Ehk siis mida rohkem huulepulga kihte huultele kanda seda julgema tulemuse saavutate (või vähemalt peaks nii teoorias see olema).
Essence Colour Up! Shine On! lipstick comes in a classic lipstick tube. Colour Up! Shine On! lipstick tube has a simple design. The shade 10 Rosey Glitz is a reddish brown shade that looks very natural on my lips. When I first saw the colour in the tube, I was scared that it might be quite dark, but since it goes on rather sheer then there’s really nothing to worry about. Although it’s promised to be buildable then, in my opinion, the shade Rosey Glitz will be still quite sheer.
The lipstick has a sweet scent and it also tastes rather sweet. I’m okay with the scent, however, I’m not fond of the sweet taste. The texture of Essence Colour Up! Shine On! lipstick is nice and soft, and just as I mentioned before – it reminds me more of a lip balm than a lipstick.
I like that this lipstick is not drying. It makes my lips nice and soft and keeps them this way, even after the colour has faded. How fast does the colour fade? Well, that’s a good question. Since the colour is quite sheer then it’s a bit hard to tell when it’s completely gone.
Essence Colour Up! Shine On! huulepulk on klassikalises huulepulga pakendis, mis on jällegi Essence’ile kohaselt lihtsa disainiga. Toon 10 Rosey Glitz on kena pruunikas toon, mis minu huultele jääb üllatavalt loomulik. Kui ma seda tooni esmakordselt tuubis nägin, siis arvasin, et see jääb huultel tume, ent kuna tegu on üsna kerge katvusega huulepulgaga, siis ongi tulemus hoopis pigem loomulik. Ja vahet pole mitu kihti ma seda huultele kannan – tulemus on ikka enamvähem sama.
Colour Up! Shine On! huulepulgal on magus lõhn ja magus maitse. Kui lõhna suhtes mul pretensioone ei ole, siis selle magusast maitsest ma vaimustuses ei ole. Huulepulga tekstuur on tõesti meeldivalt pehme ja nagu ma juba enne mainisin – see meenutab rohkem huulepalsamit kui huulepulka.
Mulle meeldib, et Essence Colour Up! Shine On! huulepulk ei muuda mu huuli kuivaks. Mu huuled on meeldivalt pehmed ning seda isegi siis kui värv on huultelt kulunud. Kaua toon 10 Rosey Glitz mu huultel püsib? Vot see on hea küsimus. Kuna see huulepulga toon jääb mu huultel nii loomulik, siis on üsna raske aru saada kuna kogu värv huultelt kulunud on.
Shannon says
Though the lipstick colour isn’t super bold….I personally really like the idea of that! It is nice to have something sheer and easy to wear that will fade naturally throughout the day. Great post!