This spring Dove added some new products to its Invisible Care range. The new products in the range are Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch anti-perspirant deodorant roll-on, aerosol and deodorant stick. All three products contain 1/4 moisturising cream and 0% of alcohol. They are promised to leave no white marks on clothes and give 48 hours protection for your underarms.
Sel kevadel lisandusid Dove Invisible Care tootesarja kevadiselt värske lillelõhnaga Floral Touch tooted. Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch lõhnaga leiab nii rullikuga deodorandi, spreideodorandi kui ka pulkdeodorandi. Nii nagu kõik teised Invisible Care sarja tooted sisaldavad ka need 1/4 niisutavat kreemi ja 0% alkoholi. Lubaduste kohaselt ei tohiks need deodorandid jätta riietele plekke ning need peaksid tagama 48-tunnise higikaitse.
All three Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch products come in a classic Dove packaging. They have lovely white and baby pink design. Just as their name Floral Touch hints they all have a lovely floral scent. That scent is rather strong, therefore, if you are not a fan of strong deodorant scent then these anti-perspirants are probably for you. The good news is that the scent will fade after a while. 😉
Kõik kolm Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch deodoranti on klassikalises Dove’i pakendis, millel tagasihoidlik valge ja heleroosaga disain. Nii nagu uute toodete nimi Floral Touch – lillede puudutus vihjab, siis on toodetel meeldiv lillearoom. Hoiatan kohe ette ära, et see lõhn tundub esialgu üsna tugev ja seega kui teile ei meeldi lõhnastatud deodorandid, siis kahjuks tõenäoliselt ei sobi teile ka need tooted. 🙁 Hea uudis on aga see, et aroom kaob mingi aja pärast.
Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Roll-On
Dove sent me all three Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch antiperspirant deodorant for the review, however, I decided to test only the roll-on version myself and give the deodorant aerosol and stick deodorant to one of my lucky Estonian reader.
Dove saatis mulle testimiseks küll kõik kolm uut Invisible Touch sarja toodet, ent otsustasin ise ära katsetada vaid roll-on ehk siis rullikuga versiooni ja ülejäänud kaks toodet võidab üks minu õnnelik lugeja Eestist (loos toimub Facebookis).
Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Roll-On comes in an easy to use roll-on bottle. It glides on easily and dries on my underarms rather quickly. After it has dried it doesn’t leave white marks on my darker clothes or yellow stains on my white clothes.
I like that Invisible Care Floral Touch Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Roll-On works very well and protects me against underarm wetness – even after a workout. It doesn’t irritate my skin and I can even use it after shaving without any problems.
Overall my experience with Invisible Care Floral Touch Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Roll-On has been as good as I expected. Would I buy it again? Yes, I probably would 🙂
Dove Invisible Care Floral Touch rullikuga deodorant on lihtsasti kasutatavas rullikuga pudelis. Toode libiseb kergelt mu kaenlaalustele ning kuivab suhteliselt ruttu. Pärast kuivamist ei jäta ta tumedatele riietele valgeid plekke ega heledatele kollakaid laike.
Invisible Care Floral Touch rullikuga deodorant töötab nagu lubatud ning isegi trennijärgselt ei ole tunda ebameeldivat higi lõhna. See ei ärrita mu nahka isegi pärast raseerimist.
Kokkuvõttes vastas Dove Floral Touch rullikuga deodorant igati mu ootustele. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Jah, ma arvan, et ostaksin seda veel 🙂
Caitlin | Beauty & Colour says
You should try the Tarte natural deodorant it’s seriously the best I’ve tried!
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Fashion + Cruelty Free Beauty Blog
Leelo says
Thanks! I’ll give it a try!