My today’s post is more for more my readers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. For those readers, who love to shop online and sometimes from those online shops that don’t deliver to their country. Click here to read the post in English.
Mulle meeldib veebis ostelda! Ja see on fakt! Miks? No esiteks elan hetkel väikelinnas, kust saab küll kätte toidu- ja esmatarbekaubad, ent kui tahan osta midagi muud või paremat valikut, siis tuleb ikkagi sõita kas suuremasse linna või netist tellida. Üks netis shoppamise suur pluss minu jaoks on muidugi erinevad sooduspakkumised. Jah, kas kohapeal poes võib mõne hea sooduka otsa sattuda, aga seda juhtub Eestis ikka väga harva. Seega kui mul on vaja osta riideid, jalatseid, ilutooteid jms, siis üldiselt vaatan üle ikkagi epoodide pakkumised ning üritan, siis parima-soodsaima tellimuse teha.
Kuigi päris palju välismaised epoed saadavad kaupa ka Eestisse, siis on kahjuks päris palju ka neid, kes seda ei tee 🙁 Eriti “tore” on siis kui oled kaua otsitud toote mõnest sellisest poest leidnud, kauba ostukorvi lisanud ja siis tellimust vormistama hakates avastad, et oops, Eestisse nad ei saada. Lisaks on osade firmade puhul selline nõme asi, et sellel lehel kust saab Eestisse tellida on hinnad ja soodukad hoopis teistsugused kui näiteks nende UK või Saksa lehel. Näiteks Next ja Monsoon – nende UK lehtedel on aegajalt väga häid soodukaid, ent sellel lehel, kust saab Eestisse tellida pole ühtegi alet 🙁
Nagu ma ühes enda paari nädala taguses beebipostituses mainisin, siis olen hakanud juba ostma asju juunis sündivale Juuniorile. Olen jõudnud ostelda juba nii Eestimaistes epoodides kui ka välismaistes. Kui me UKs elasime, siis muide üks mu lemmik poode oli TK Maxx, kust võis leida brändi kaupu kogu perele. Neil on olemas ka online pood, aga kahjuks mina sealt tellida ei saanud, sest ma ju elan nüüd Eestis jälle.
Õnneks, aga on olemas EshopWedrop, kes annab Eesti ostjatele võimaluse ostelda Poola, Saksa, Itaalia, Leedu, Suurbritannia ja USA epoodides. Või üks kõik millise teise riigi online poes, kui sealt saab kaupu tellida eelpool mainitud riikidesse.
Kuidas EshopWedrop’i kaudu ostlemine käib?
Kõige pealt tegin endale konto lehel. Nii sain endale isiklikud EshopWedrop´i kättetoimetamise aadressid veebis ostlemiseks Poolas, Leedus, Saksamaal, Prantsusmaal, Itaalias, Suurbritannias ja USAs. Edasi panin kokku enda TK Maxxi tellimuse ja kohale toimetamise aadressiks panin EshopWedropi’i Suurbritannia lao aadressi. Nädal hiljem jõudis pakk Suurbritannia lattu, kust see saadeti edasi Baltikumi pealattu Vilniuses.
Kui mulle saabus teade, et mu pakk on jõudnud Vilniuse pealattu, siis logisin sisse enda EshopWedrop kontole ning valisin paki kätte saamiseks minu jaoks mugavaima viisi ehk siis DPD kulleri ja maksin paki kohale toimetamise eest. Kogu protsess oli lihtne ja mulle meeldis, et pidevalt tulid meilile minu pakiga seotud teavitused.
Minul oli seekord tulemas vaid üks pakk, aga juhul kui sul saabumas rohkem pakke, siis on hea uudis see, et sul on võimalus kõik saabuvad pakid liita üheks tellimuseks. Baltikumi pealaos hoitakse pakke tasuta kuni 30 päeva. Seega saad kõik pakid ära oodata ning siis lasta need ühe saadetisena edasi saata. Niimoodi saad säästa, sest sel juhul võetakse aluseks kõikide pakkide kogu kaalu põhine hind – iga esimesele pakile lisatud pakilt arvestatakse nn. konsolideerimistasu 1.49 senti.
Kaua siis läks tellimuse tegemisest kauba kohale jõudmiseni? TK Maxx tellimus sai tehtud 27.veebruaril ja pakk jõudis minu Suurbritannia EshopWedrop´i aadressile 5.märtsil. Baltikumi pealattu Vilniusesse jõudis saadetis 9.märtsil ning minuni toimetas DPD kuller paki 14.märtsil.
Hea uudis kõigile mu blogi lugejatele! Koodiga MISSL10 saavad kõik (nii uued kui ka vanad) EshopWedrop Eesti kliendid -10% allahindlust oma ühelt tellimuselt (olenemata pakkide arvust ). Kood kehtib kuni 30. aprillini!
Mida ma siis TK Maxx’st tellisin?
Nagu ma juba mainisin olen viimasel ajal Juuniorile #2 shoppamisega. TK Maxx’st tellisin talle Grobag magamiskottide komplekti. Sellised magamiskotid on pisikestega täiesti super kuna ei pea jantima tekkide ja linadega. Sarnaseid magamiskotte kasutasin ka siis kui väike mr.R oli beebi ja seega tean juba ette, et tegu on hea ostuga.
Juuniorile tellisin ka ülinunnu Rock-a-Bye Baby 7-osalise komplekti. See lihtsalt oli nii nunnu, et oleks olnud patt see tellimata jätta. Kui ma samas vaimus jätkan, siis on küll lõpuks Juunioril #2 rohkem riideid kui ta kanda jõuab 😀 Kuna väikese mr.R’ga olid meil alguses rinnaga toitmise probleemid, siis igaks juhuks tellisin valmis Chicco lutipudelite komplekti. Iseasi kas neid vaja läheb, aga las nad olla olemas. Sassy kõristiga mänguasja valis aga oma väikevennale välja väike mr.R.
Aa ja lisaks maandus mu ostukorvis veel Jeff Banks King Size voodipesu komplekt, kuna see oli täpselt see, mida juba kuid olen otsinud. Selle pastelne lavendli tooni muster valgel põhjal oli täpselt see, mida ma otsinud olen.
Selline oli siis minu kogemus EshopWedrop’i teenusega ja TK Maxx’st tellimisega 🙂 Mina olen igatahes rahul ning kindlasti kasutan ka tulevikus EshopWedrop teenuseid 🙂
Mis Sina arvad sellisest teenusest nagu EshopWedrop pakub? Kas sa kasutaksid seda või oled juba kasutanud? Anna teada kommentaarides 😉
I love online shopping. And that’s a fact. Why? Well, first of all, I live in a small town in Estonia and when I have to buy something else than just groceries or some essential stuff then I have to drive to a bigger town or order online. One huge advantage of shopping online is of course sales and discounts. Yes, you can stumble on a good offer in store in Estonia too, but that hardly ever happens 😀 And so whenever I need have to buy something (especially clothes, footwear, beauty products and now baby products) then I always check out online stores and their offers to get the best deal and most value for my money.
Although quite many online stores deliver to Estonia, then, unfortunately, there are many who don’t and that’s sad. Especially if you find your “unicorn” from one of those shops, add it to your cart and then during the checkout discover that, sorry, they don’t deliver to your country. That’s just so disappointing! And also what I have noticed with some stores is that the prices and sales on the same site for different countries differ. For example, Next UK online store has better prices and discounts, then the Next site that delivers to Estonia. Also the same applies to Monsoon 🙁 and some other online stores.
I mentioned in my pregnancy update post that I have been shopping online for my baby due in June. I have made some orders from Estonian online stores, but also some from other countries. When we lived in the UK for a year then one of my favourite store to visit was TK Maxx 😀 It’s just such a great store from where you can find branded clothes, footwear, accessories etc etc for the whole family. They also have an online store, however, I couldn’t order from them because I live in Estonia now 🙁
Well luckily, there’s EshopWedrop who provides consumers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (also Romania, Albania and Cyprus) the freedom to purchase products from online retailers in Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Lithuania, UK and USA. Or any online shop from all over the world which makes deliveries to one of the EshopWedrop shopping addresses in the USA, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Lithuania and the UK. Thanks to EshopWedrop you can shop from any online website no matter if it delivers to your country or not.
So how EshopWedrop works?
Well first, I registered at (if you are from Latvia then go to and if you are from Lithuania then and received my personal EshopWedrop Delivery Addresses for online shopping in Poland, Germany, France, Italy, the UK and USA. Then, I put together the order at TK Maxx online store and made the order. For the delivery address, I used my personal EshopWedrop Delivery Address in the UK. Then, I waited until my parcel arrived at my my personal EshopWedrop Delivery Address. A week later, I got the email notification that my parcel has arrived at the warehouse and it will be sent to Baltic Central Warehouse in Vilnius.
Once it arrived at the Baltic Central Warehouse in Vilnius I had to log in to my EshopWedrop account to select the most convenient delivery option for me (I chose DPD home delivery) and pay for the shipping. Everything was very easy and I loved that they kept me updated where my package was (of course it may get annoying for some to get so many emails 😀 )
I only had one order parcel coming from one store, however, if you have more than one package coming, then you can consolidate your parcels into one order. Your packages will be stored at the destination warehouse for 30 days free of charge. This means that you can wait for your other orders to arrive at the warehouse and then make one delivery order for all your parcels. You will be charged based on the cumulated weight and volume for all the parcels consolidated in one order, opposed to separate orders. This means you will save on your delivery costs 😉 When it comes to the delivery cost then you can use the calculator on site to find out approximately how much it will cost for the package to be delivered to you.
So how long did it take for my TK Maxx order to arrive at my doorstep? Well, I made the order on Feb, 27th. The package arrived to the UK warehouse on the March 5th and to the Baltic Central Warehouse in Vilnius on the 9th. My order was delivered to my doorstep by DPD on the March 14th. So not too bad 🙂
By the way, with code MISSL10 all EshopWeDrop Estonia clients will get 10% discount on EshopWedrop delivery service. The code applies to both old and new clients and it’s valid until 30th April 2018.
What did I order from TK Maxx?
Well, as I mentioned, I have been shopping for my unborn baby. From TK Maxx online store I ordered Grobag sleeping bag set. These are perfect for little ones because I don’t have to worry about blankets etc. My baby will be cozy and warm. I used this kind of sleeping bags with my little mr.R too when he was a baby and so that’s why I know that this was a good purchase 😉
I also ordered Rock-a-Bye Baby 7 piece set for the baby. That set just looked so cute that I just had to buy it 😀 Well, if I’ll continue like that then I will have way too many clothes for the baby by the time he will be born 😀 Since we had some breastfeeding problems with little mr.R then I also added Chicco Natural Feeling Angled Teat Bottle Set to my order because I just want to be prepared. The Sassy rattle toy was actually chosen by little mr.R. I wanted him to choose something for the baby and he instantly fell in love with that toy.
Oh, and I also ordered Jeff Banks King Size Duvet Cover Set. I have been looking for the perfect duvet cover set for ages and that one just instantly caught my eye. I love its pastel lilac and white colour combination and its material feels really lovely 🙂
What do you think of this kind of service that lets you shop from any online store no matter if it delivers to your country or not? Would you use it? Let me know in the comments 😉