Happy Monday, beauties! Unfortunately I have no outfit post for you today because I’ve been under the weather since last Wednesday and so taking outfit photos has been the last thing on my mind. Plus now I have some sort of eye infection and so thanks to my red right eye I can’t even do any makeup 😀 🙁 Although I have no outfit pics for you today then all of you are still welcome to link up your best outfit, fashion and style posts because I love checking them out 🙂
I’m linking up with these lovely ladies –> see list here
- Link up your favorite outfit post of the week. Please only link up outfit posts!
- Please include a link back to this post within your post
- Comment on your host’s blog and visit as many linked up posts as you wish. Don’t forget to comment
- Following me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter is appreciated
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies says
Thanks so much for hosting this linky Leelo. Have a great week x
Shelbee on the Edge says
Leelo, I do hope you feel better soon. Being sick while pregnant is the absolute worst. Sending lots of healing energy your way!
Leelo says
It’s awful! Especially since I can’t take medications that usually make me feel better fast 🙁
Cheryl Tucker says
Hope you feel better soon! Cheryl
Amy says
Feel better soon!
Julie says
Oh my goodness! I hope you feel better very soon!
Jennie says
Hope you feel much better soon!
Suzanne Smith says
So sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well! I hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
jacqui says
Thank you for hosting. Jacqui
Cristina - Memories of the Pacific says
Oh dear!! I hope you feel better soon. Take care, gorgeous
stephanie says
feel better soon
Cheryl Shops says
Oh dear, feel better, lady!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net