Hi, beauties! Time for a beauty product review! My today’s post is of Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealer in shade Fair and Medium. I received these two concealers thanks to the Avon #yeschallenge back in October 🙂 I was excited to try these because we all have those little imperfections that need covering up and this are labelled as “full cover” so they sounded like something I might like.
Hei, kaunitarid! Aeg järjekordseks ilutoote arvustuseks! Minu tänane postitus on Avon Full Cover Cream peitekreemidest toonis Fair & Medium. Need Avon Mark tooted jõudsid minuni oktoobrikuus tänu Avon #yeschallenge‘s osalemisele 🙂 Avon Mark Full Cover peitekreemid tundusid paljulubavad ja seega olin väga rõõmus, et sain need endale katsetamiseks, sest eks minulgi on nahal iluvigu, mis vajaksid vähe parema katvusega peitekreemi.
Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealer is described as a lightweight creamy concealer that covers imperfections and under eye circles without creasing. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Full Cover Cream Concealers come in a very simple plastic case. The concealers are creamy, easy to apply and blend.
Avon Mark Full Cover peitekreem on kirjelduse järgi kerge kreemjas peitekreem, mis peidab iluvead ja tumedad silmaalused ilma kortsudesse vajumata. Kõlab hästi, kas pole? Mark Full Cover peitekreemid on väga lihtsa minimalistliku kujundusega karbikestes. Peitekreemid on meeldivalt kreemja tekstuuriga. Neid on kerge peale kanda ja hajutada.
When it comes to shades Fair and Medium then at first I thought that I will start using Fair under my eyes and shade Medium other places on my face that need concealer. Back in October it actually worked, however, now, in the winter time when I’m pale again, the Medium is a bit too dark for me and so I’m using only shade Fair at the moment.
Kui ma toone Fair ja Medium esimest korda nägin, siis olin kindel, et hakkan heledamat tooni kasutamata silmaalustel ning tumedamat mujal enda näol. Oktoobris selline plaan isegi täitsa töötas, ent kahjuks praegusel talvisel ajal kui olen kahvatum, siis kahjuks toon Medium on mulle liiga tume ja seega hetkel saan kasutada vaid tooni Fair.
I like that Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealer actually work quite nicely. They cover up most of my skin’s imperfections easily. If set with powder then the result lasts pretty much all day without any problems 🙂 When it comes to the downsides of these concealers, then, unfortunately, I can’t use them under my eyes because they crease so bad :S I think I haven’t experienced this with any other concealer before, but these. While these work great on rest of my face then not under the eyes 🙁
Mulle meeldib, et Avon Mark Full Cover peitekreemid töötavad päris hästi. Enamuse iluvigade peitmisega saavad nad üsna hästi hakkama ning kui nad puudriga nö kinnitada püsib tulemus enamvähem terve päeva. Mis aga puutub tumedate silmaaluste varjamisse, siis mina kahjuks neid peitekreeme silmaalustel kasutada ei saa, sest need lihtsalt vajuvad kortsukestesse mu silmade ümbruses ning tulemus on jube :S Mulle ei meenu, et seni ükski teine peitekreem oleks mu silmaümbruses selliseid trikke teinud. Nii, et jah, kuigi mujal näol saan neid kenasti kasutada, siis silmaalustel pean kasutama midagi muud.
Overall I think that Avon Mark Full Cover Cream Concealers aren’t bad. They are budget-friendly and if you are lucky enough to match one of the available shades (Fair, Medium or Dark) to your skin tone then they are definitely worth a try. Unfortunately, I can’t use them under my eyes because they crease, but that’s so far the only downside I have noticed about these.
Kokkuvõttes ei ole Avon Mark Full Cover peitekreemid üldse mitte halvad. Nad on taskukohase hinnaga ning kui üks kahest Eestis saada olevast toonis (Medium või Fair) teie nahatooniga sobib, siis soovitan neile kindlasti võimaluse anda. Minu jaoks ainus miinus Full Cover peitekreemide juures on see, et ma ei saa neid kasutada tumedate silmaaluste katmiseks, sest kreem kipub kogunema silma ümbruse peenetesse kortsukestesse.
Osta mugavalt avon.ee lehelt. Tellimused üle 25€ postikuluta!
Shannon says
It is amazing how much your skin colour can change between the warmer and colder months. Glad that Fair works well for you now!
Leelo says
I know! I probably wouldn’t even notice that change in my skin colour if I wasn’t using makeup 😀