And here comes another Avon Mark makeup product review 😀 So if you aren’t into Avon or makeup or contouring then you can just go to my next post 😛 My today’s post is of Avon Mark Contour Duo. Contouring is something I don’t do every day because in my opinion, it’s a bit too much for a simple daily makeup look. This contour duo arrived to me thanks to Avon #yeschallenge.
Ja aeg järjekordseks Avon Mark meigitoote postituseks. Ehk siis kui Avon või meik või kontuurimine teile huvi ei paku, siis võite kohe järgmist postitust lugema asuda 😛 Tänases postituses jagan teiega enda muljeid Avon Mark kontuurimisduost, mis jõudis minuni tänu Avon #yeschallenge‘s osalemisele.
Avon Mark Contour Duo comes in a simple, black and white plastic case. There’s also a mirror in the lid which has nice size 🙂 The contour duo features two shades – the light glittery beige for highlighting and darker matte shade for contouring. Well, do tell you the truth I’m disappointed in both of the shades.
When it comes to the highlighter then I like that it’s not white but I hate that it’s so glittery. It contains a quite big glitter that will be visible on the skin and that is something I don’t like. I expected the darker shade to be well pigmented, however, it’s actually quite poorly pigmented. I guess it’s good if you have pale skin or you are making your first steps in the world of contouring.
Avon Mark kontuurimisduo on lihtsas musta ja valgega kujundatud plastik karbis. Karbi kaane sees on ka peegel, millel on päris hea suurus. Kontuurimisduo on kaks ühendatud kaks tooni hele beež sädelusega toon sära lisamiseks ja matt tumedam toon kontuurimiseks. Kui nüüd täitsa aus olla, siis pole ma aga vaimustuses kummastki toonist.
Higlighteri puhul mulle meeldib see, et ta pole värvuselt valge, ent mulle üldse ei meeldi, et selles on sees glitter. Tulemuseks on see, et nahale kandes jääb tulemus selline nagu oleksingi ainult glitterit endale näole kandnud. Tumedama tooni puhul eeldasin ma paremat pigmenteeritust. Tegelikult aga on see see üsna kesiselt pigmenteeritud ja selleks, et nahale mingigi tulemus jääks on seda vaja ikka väga paksult peale kanda. Tõenäoliselt sobibki see siis pigem neile kel väga hele nahk või siis neile, kes astuvad kontuurimises alles oma päris esimesi samme.

Overall, I’m not impressed with Avon Mark Contour Duo because the highlighter is too glittery and the darker shade just doesn’t show up on my skin. I’m happy that it was sent to me because if I had spent my own money on it then I would like my money back.
Kokkuvõttes olen ma Avon Mark kontuurimisduos pettunud. Highlighter on minu maitse jaoks liiga sädelev ning tumedam toon ei jää mu nahal peaaegu üldse näha. Olen rõõmus vaid selle üle, et see mulle Avoni poolt saadeti, sest kui oleksin selle oma raha eest ostnud, siis sooviksin küll raha tagasi saada.
Osta mugavalt lehelt. Tellimused üle 25€ postikuluta!
Lana says
I always find it tricky to find a good shade for contouring and tend to stick to the Benefit Hoola. It’s good to have a highlighter and contour in one compact, however the highlighter is too glittery for me too. Don’t want to look like a disco ball! I don’t think I would be trying this product.
Shannon says
I have yet to try to master contouring! This seems like a good product to give it a go. I’ll look into this, thanks!
Amrita says
Thats an honest review.I dont like big glitters on my highlighter.I hope tge brand listens.
Ava says
I love contouring but it is difficult to me to contour my face because it seems that it requires lots of practice.
I have using a cream contour and it’s difficult to blend on my face over my foundation.
But after reading your post, I defiantly gonna try this powder contour kit.
It seems like it is easy to blend.