I received my 22ml sample of Naobay Oxygenating Cream Moisturizing in one of the Lookfantastic Beauty Boxes a while ago. Once I ran out of all the half-used creams and lotions it was time to finally give this one a try. Naobay is a natural and organic beauty brand from Spain, created in 2011. Brand’s name – NAOBAY stands for “Natural And Organic, Beauty And You”. Naobay products are environmentally-friendly certified organic cosmetics with simple designs, pleasant packaging and effective products.
Minuni jõudis Naobay niisutav kreem ühes paljudest Lookfantastic Beauty Box ilukarbikestest. Selle kasutamiseni läks muidugi omajagu aega kuna enne tahtsin kindlasti ära kasutada enda poolikud kreemid, aga lõpuks jõudis järg ka selle kreemini. Naobay on naturaalsete ja orgaaniliste ilutoodete bränd Hispaaniast. Alguse sai Naobay 2011. aastal. Firma nimi Naobay tähendab – “Natural And Organic, Beauty And You” (Naturaalne Ja Orgaaniline, Ilu ja Sina). Naobay tooted on keskkonnasõbralikud ja sertifitseeritud orgaanilised tooted. Tegu on effeektiivsete toodetega millel on lihtne disain ja meeldiv pakend.
Naobay Oxygenating Cream Moisturizing moisturises, protects and softens the skin. This is a universal cream that meets the essential needs of hydration for all skin types. It contains high-quality plant extracts and organic vegetable oils, such as Sesame Oil and Sweet Almond Oil. This cream helps ideally balance the skin’s hydrolipidic film. It absorbs quickly and provides a makeup base for prolonged wear. This cream is not tested on animals!
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Naobay niisutav kreem niisutab, kaitseb ja pehmendab nahka. Tegu on universaalse kreemiga, mis pakub niisutust kõigile nahatüüpidele. Kreemis on ühendatud kõrgekvaliteedilised taimeekstraktid ja orgaanilised köögiviljaõlid nagu näiteks seesamiõli ja magusa mandli õli. Naobay niisutav kreem aitab ideaalselt tasakaalustada naha hüdrolipiidset kihti. Kreem imendub kiiresti ja sobib ka meigi alla. Seda kreemi ei ole testitud loomadel!
My 22ml sample of Naobay Oxygenating Cream Moisturizing comes in a simple white tube. The cream itself is white and creamy and it has a pleasant scent. I like that this cream feels lightweight and it really absorbs fast. Once it’s absorbed my skin feels a bit tight, however, that feeling doesn’t last long.
This cream is a simple cream. It isn’t promised to do anything fancy and I guess in a way that’s actually a good thing. Naobay Oxygenating Cream Moisturizing moisturises my skin quite well and it doesn’t cause breakouts. It has also worked rather well with Belle Azul BB Cream 8-in-1 Beautifying Balm Moisturizer and Avon Mark Glow On Natural Radiance Foundation SPF15.
Overall I think that Naobay Oxygenating Cream Moisturizing is a good cream. It isn’t anything fancy but it keeps my skin moisturized while not breaking it out.
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Minu 22ml Naobay niisutava kreemi näidis on lihtsas valges tuubis. Kreem ise on valge ja kreemja tekstuuriga ning sel on meeldiv lõhn. Nahale kandes jääb kreem mõnusalt kerge ning see tõesti imendub kiiresti. Kui kreem on imendunud, siis natuke aegaon nahal selline nagu kiskuv tunne, aga see õnneks möödub ruttu.
Naobay niisutava kreemi näol on tegu lihtsa tootega. See ei tule hüper-super lubadustega ning tegelikult on see ju hea. Naobay kreem niisutab mu nahka kenasti ning samas ei põhjusta see punne vms nahaprobleeme. Lisaks on see kreem seni päris edukalt töötanud ka kombineerituna Belle Azul 8in1 BB kreemiga ja Avon Mark Glow On Natural Radiance jumestukreemiga.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates Naobay niisutav kreem hea toode. Kuigi see pole midagi super erilist, siis minu nahale ta sobib ja see on peamine 🙂
Shannon says
Any product that doesn’t cause breakouts is a good one, in my book! Great review.
Miri says
Hi Leelo,
This moisturizer sounds amazing. I want to try it out!
Never Say Die Beauty says
Sounds like a nice moisturizer! I wish I had known about this brand when I was visiting Spain. I love to try local cosmetics
MarciaF says
I used to have so many problems finding a moisturizer that didn’t add to my breakouts. Those days are over but it’s great for those still struggling.
Courtney says
So happy to hear it’s cruelty free!
Judy says
Sometimes a little “no frills” is just what we need – this sounds nice!
Kathryne says
I like the fact that it doesn’t make any kind of claims other than moisturizing the skin
Miranda | Slashed Beauty says
I love having moisturizer on hand during this season!
Kimmi says
I had never heard of this brand. I liked reading about it.